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Nov., 1915 241

INDEX TO 'VOLUME X11 A A.canthis linaria linaria, 127 Accipiter cooperi, 43, 192 velox, 43, 124, 149, 192 Actiris macularius, 123 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 114, 121 Aegialitis nivosa, 207 Aeronautes melanoleucus, 9, 150, 194 Agelaius phoeniceus aciculatus, 12, 228 phoeniceus californicus, 199 phoeniceus neutralis, 126, 167 phoeniceus phoeniceus, 4, 47, 150 phoeniceus sonoriensis, 33, 233 Aimophila raficeps ruficeps, 80, 200 Aix sponsa, 122, 207 Allen, A. S., return of winter birds to the same locality, 53; birds of a Berke- ley hillside, 78; the hermit warbler in Berkeley, 235 Aluco pratincola, 57, 79, 194 American Ornithologists' Union, Pacific Coast meeting of the, 163; snapshots from the San Francisco meeting, 171 Ammodramus bairdi, 43 savannarum australis, 43 savannarum bimaculatus, 60, 99 Amphispiza belli, 200 Anas platyrhynchos, 41, 122, 235 Anderson, E. M., review of his "report on birds of Okanagan Valley", 133; re- view of his "birds of the Atlin Dis- trict", 133; nesting of the Bohemian waxwing in northern British Colum- bia, 145 Anderson, E. M., with Kermode, F., review of their "report on birds of Atlin Lake", 133 Artthus rubescens, 128, 201 Antrostomus vocfferns vocfferns, 45 Aphelocoma californica californica, 30, 164, 193 Aphriza virgata, 207 Aquila chrysaetos, 43, 93, 193 Archibuteo lagopus sancti-johannis, 124 Archilochus alexandri, 125 colubris, 45 Ardea herodias herodias,. 74, 123 Arenaria interpres interpres, 136 melanocephala, 207 Asio fiammeus, 125, 173 wilsonJanus, 124, 149 Astragalinus lawrencei, 199 psaltria hesperophilus, 30, 166, 199 tristis pallidus, 127 tristis salicamans, 199 tristis tristis, 43 Asyndesmus lewisi, 152, 204 Auklet, Cassin, 33 Rhinoceros, 30 Auriparus fiaviceps flaviceps, 90 Avocet, 98,. 123, 207 Baeolophus bicolor, 56 inornatus inornatus, 34, 197 Bailey, F. M., review of the fourth edition of her "handbook of birds of the west- ern United States", 105; character- istic birds of the Dakota prairies. I, in the open grassland, 173; II, along the lake borders, 222 Baldpate, 122, 166, 234 Bancroft, W. F., with Palmer, T. S., and Earnshaw, F. L., review of their re- port on game laws for 1914", 107 Beck, R. H., communication from, 133 Bent, A. C., yellow-billed loon:--a correc- tion, 130 Bird, Surf, 207 Bishop, L. B., description of a new. race of Savannah sparrow and suggestions on some California birds, 185 Bittern, American, 123 Blackbird, Brewer, 60, 66, 94, 126, 150, 199, 229 Columbian Red-winged, 126 Red-winged, 47, 150 Sonora Red-winged, 88 Yellow-headed, 126, 131, 150, 173, 204 Blue-bill, 131, 235 Bluebird, 57 Mountain, 95, 129, 151, 201 Western, 129, 192, 196, 206, 234, 235 Bobolink, 126, 177, 199, 222 Bobwhite, 42, 123 Bolander, L. P., eariy spring notes from west-central California, 131 Bombycilla cedrornm, 51, 128, 201, 204, 205 garrula, 128, 145 Bonasa umbellus sabini, 123 umbellus togata, 123 Botaurns lentiginosus, 123 Bowles, J. H., European widgeon in Wash- ington, 102 Brachyramphus craveri, 74 hypoleucus, 74 Bradbury, W. C., notes on the nesting of the white-tailed ptarmigan in Colorado, 214 Branta canadensis canadensis, 42, 122 Bryant, H. C., another record of the occur- rence of the emperor goose in Cali- fornia, 58; review of Hornaday's "wild life conservation", 106; late nesting of the Townsend solitaire, 205

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