Northern Division members of this applica- tion when the October meeting notices are sent out. A communication from Mr. A. L. Barrows, secretary of the Pacific Division of the A. A. A. S., was read, asking that the North- ern Division appoint a representative for the Affiliation Committee of the Associa- tion. The Club then adjourned to attend a lec- ture by Dr. W. T. Hornaday, Director of the New York Zoological Park, on the subject, "Shall We Increase our Big Game on a Food Supply Basis?" Adjourned.--TRAcy I. STORER, Secretary.
AuGu. ST.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Los Angeles, Thursday evening, August 26, 1915. Presi- dent Law was in the chair, and the follow- ing members present: Miss Getmain, Mrs. HusheL and Messrs. Brown, Chambers, Dag- gert, Enoch, Holland, Ingersoll, Nokes, Rich, Shepardson, Swarth, Wood, and Wy- man. Visitors present were Mrs. Nokes, Mr. Daniel, and Mr. Arra Darhanian. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. New members elected were: S. D. Moles, Claremont, and Wade L. Enoch, Tropico. New names presented were: F. E. Garlough, Gladstone, Oregon, proposed by S. G. Jewett; Nat T. Sabin and Eugene P. Sabin, both of Hollywood, Cali- fornia, proposed by J. Eugene Law. Mr. Law exhibited a series of woodpeck- ers, including most of the North American species. Adjourned.--H. S. SWXTH, Sec- retary. SEPTEMBEI.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division was held at the residence of Dr. L. H. Miller, on Sunday afternoon, September 26. President Law was in the chair, and the following were in attend- ance: Mrs. Husher, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Pleas- ants, the Misses Atsatt, Dodge, Drachman, Hollister, Moore, and Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Daggett, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Dr. and Mrs. Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Stivers, Mr. and Mrs. Sabin, Mr. and Mrs. Law, and Messrs. Davis, Holland, gewett, Pierce, and White. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. New members elected were: Nat T. 'Sabin, Eugene P. Sabin, and F. E. Garlough. Mrs. Myers spoke on "the Hornaday plan" for ensuring a permanent supply of big game. Mr. Law read a letter from Allan Brooks, now with the British Army in France. Mr. Pierce spoke on bird conditions at Bear Lake and other points in the San Bernardino Mountains, which led to a general discussion of experiences of various members during the summer just past. Adjourned.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, Secretary, pro tern. INTER-MOUNTAIN CHAPTER SEPTEMBEP--A meeting of the. Inter- Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornitho- logical Club was held at Salt Lake City, Utah, September 14, 1915, in the office of Dr. D. Moore Lindsay, Boston Building. The meeting was called to order at 8:30 r. ., Dr. D. Moore Lindsay presiding. Members in attendance were: J. Sugden, Jr., C. Barnes, J. H. Paul, D. Moore Lindsay, A. O. Treganza, Mrs. A. O. Treganza. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. A study of the local breeding Gulls, Terns, Cormorants and Pelican was begun. J. Sug- den exhibited a very interesting skull of Larus calilornicus, D. Moore Lindsay some skins of the Caspian Tern and Bonaparte Gull, and Mrs. A.'O. Treganza read the Treganza notes and observations on these species. Mr. A. O. Treganza reported on the slaugh- ter of the Sage Hen in northeastern Utah, from which locality he had recently re- turned. A. O. Treganza and J. H. Paul were appointed as a committee to present the matter to the State Game Warden for imme- diate action. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 r. .--MRs. A. O. TREGXNZX, Secretary. OCTOBR.--A meeting of the Inter-Moun- tain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club was hId at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oc- tober 12, 1915, in the office of Dr. D. Moore Lindsay, Boston Building. President Lind- say was in the chair, and the meeting was called to order at 8:30 r. . Members pres- ent were: C. Barnes, J. A. Mullen, D. Moore Lindsay, A. O Treganza, Mrs. A. O. Tre- ganza. Mr. D. W. Parrart was a visitor. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. The evening was given over to a round table talk and open discussion of local breeding ducks. Many early and late rec- ords were given. President Lindsay exhib- ited some very interesting sets of ducks' eggs showing the parasitic tendencies of certain species of this family. Meeting ad- journed at 10:30 r. .--MRs. A. O. T- GANZA, Secretary.