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description previous publicity through some other channel, while there are no apparent advantages in the course adopted. The reviewer is in a position where he is the constant recipient of requests from beginning bird students for the recommen- dation of some book or books treating of California birds, and it is a great satisfac- tion to be able conscientiously to urge the acquisition of a work such as the one' here noticed. The judicious use of Grinnell's "Distrilutional List of California Birds", in conjunction with the same author's "Bibli- ography of California Ornithology" (Paci- fic Coast Avifauna No. 5) cannot fail to give a fund of accurate information along Ihe line desired, as well as to point the way to sources of knowledge on related subjects not covered in these books. To the advanced specialist in ornithology, of course, this "List" will be an absolute necessity. It goes without saying that the Cooper Club is congratulating itself upon the ap- pearance of this, its latest and largest pub- lication. Many and devious are the shifts to which the business office of the club has been put in the successful production of club members' contributions to knowl- edge, but the firm belief that the demand for worthy publications would eventually pay the cost of production is finding justi- fication in the steadily increasing call upon the stock in hand. The demand for the "Distributional List of California Birds" should go far toward placing the Pacific Coast Avifauna branch of the Club's pub- lishing business upon as firm a financial basis as is THE CONDOR.--H. S. SWARTH. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHERN DIVISION MAY.--A meeting of the Northern Divi- sion of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held at the Y. W. C. A. Auditorium, Panama- Pacific International Exposition grounds, San Francisco, California, May 19, 1915, at 4:30 P.M., at the close of the second after- noon session of the American Ornitholo- gists' Union. President Joseph Mailliard was in the chair, with the following mem- bers present: Mesdames Allen and Bryant, Messrs. Bade, Bryant, Dwight, Evermann, W. K. Fisher, Grinnell, Horsfall, Law, Loomis, E. C. Mailliard, Nichols, Ohl, Pal- mer, Sage, Shelton, Storer, W. P. Taylor, Tyler, Wells, and Wilson. The minutes of the April Northern Divi- sion were read and approved and the min- utes of the Southern Division March meet- ing read. The following were elected to membership: F. W. Henshaw, and the four persons proposed at the Southern Division March meeting. The following applications for membership were read: C. M. Goethe, 2617 K Street, Sacramento, proposed by H. C. Bryant; Mrs. Carlotta C. Hall, 1615 La Loma Avenue, Berkeley, proposed by J. Grinnell; Miss Georgia V. Miller, 419 Golden Gate Avenue, San. Francisco, proposed by H. L. Coggins; and Ashby D. Boyle, 351 5th Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah, proposed by R. H. Palmer; and from the Sou. thern Divi- sion four persons proposed at their April meeting. The Secretary stated that a' communica- tion had been received from the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, inviting Cooper Club members to become members of the American Association. Adjourned.- TRACY I. STORER, ecretary. SEPTEMRER.--The regular monthly meet- ing of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was held in Room 102, California Hall, University of California, Berkeley, September 16, 1915, at 8 P.M. President Joseph Mailliard was in the chair with the following members present: Mesdames' Bryant and Allen, and Messrs. Bryant, Carriger, Ohl, Storer, Trenor and Willett. The minutes of the Northern Division May meeting were read and approved. Upon motion, duly carried, reading of the minutes of the Southern Division for the last four months was dispensed with. The following were elected to membership: C. M. Goethe, Mrs. Carlotta C. Hall, Miss Georgie V. Miller, and Ashby D. Boyle. Due to the time which has elapsed since the last meet- ing all persons proposed for membership at the Southern Division during the summer months were elected to membership. Ap- plications for membership were received as follows: Miss Cornelia C. Pringie, Cupertino, proposed by Miss Hazel King; Miss Lydia Atterbury, 2620 LeConte Ave., Berkeley, and C. A. Purington, 2223% Chapel St., Berkeley, both proposed by Tracy I. Storer. A communication signed by J. Grinnell, W. Lee Chambers, Frank S. Daggett, and Harry S. Swarth, proposing 'for honorary membership in the Club, Mr. Henry W. Hen- shaw, Chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey, was read. It was decided to notify

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