A Distributional List of the Birds of California By JOSEPH GRINNELL [About 225 pages and 3 maps] Now in Press An up-to-date, authoritative bird-list which should be in the hands of every active bird student in the western United States. It gives geographical ranges, with exact citations, and will be the basis for all further distributional studies. The Cooper Club has strained its resources to the limit to publish this latest number in its Avifauna series. The management urges quick re- sponse, so that a large advance sale will help meet this unusual expense. Each C. 0. C. member should insare receipt of his copy as oon as off the press, about October 21st. l{embers of the C. 0. C. may take the regular Club discmint .(50%) which applies to all Avifaunas. Price, prepaid, $3.00 W. LEE CHAMBERS, Business Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif. BIRDS ---NESTS---EGGS The 0oloist is one of the oldest publi- cations in the UnitedStates devoted to these. It is now in its thirty-second year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist, Laon, IlL BIIZD=LOIZE FOV !D, contains a fully illustrated article on "Bird Photography for Women" by Miss E. L. Turner, F.Z.S., the leading woman student of birds witha camera inEngland, and also Robert Ridgway's. important ar- ticle on the changes which have occurred in the bird-life of south- ern Illinois during the past half century. 20 cents a copy; $1.00 a year. A volume of Bird-Lore contains 600 pages and 12 colored plates. D. APPLETON (D- CO. 9 West B2d St., New Yore Cit