lor Sale, ]xchange and Want Column.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. For this department address W. LE CHAiSe-RS, Eagle ]ock, Los Angeles County, California. TO EXCHANGE---Auk, vol. 22 (1905), in clean numbers for any vol. Auk in similar condition except vols. 16 (1899) to 26 (1909) inclusive.--B. F. CasE, Tolland, Conn. YOUR CARD PRINTED--50 cards nicely printed in Old English or Engravers' Gothic, on two-ply standard bristol board, for 35 cents in stamps, ladies or gents.--Eoww S. COOMSS, 3 Franklin tt., Boston, Massa- chusetts. WANTED--Complete sets of Wilson Bul- letin and Ornithologist & Oologist; also For- est and Stream before 1896.--Jor C. PXL- rips, Windyknob, Wenham, Mass. BOOK INFORMATION WANTED---Will each owner of complete files of the Auk look at first six volumes and see if they are the ones which bear the autograph of my father, H. B. Bailey, on the front page. If you know of the whereabouts of these volumes com- municate with me and obligeH. H. BZ_rL, lqewport lqews, Virginia. WANTED--Copies of any of the follow- ing publicationa Nldiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, N. S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and September, 1899; Wilson Bull.. no. 4, 1894.--B. H. SWALES, Grosse Isle, Mich. I WANT one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. I and 2, published at Cin- cinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Svope. --W. LEE CrAMrES, Eagle Rock, Los Ange- les County, Calilornia. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE--Premo Cam- era, full outfit, 4x5, in A1 condition; collec- tions of marine and fresh-water shells, 2000 species, 5000 specimens; of minerals, 275 specimens; of fussfis, 250 specimens; 70 glass mounts; 216 moths and butterflies; 6-foot mounted alligator; a large list of curios; a collection of old French letters and parchments, dates 1427 to 1800, two signed by Louis xv. Will sell any or all of above for cash, or exchange for sets of birds eggs, mounted birds, bird skins, Indian stone relics, books or magazines.--H. Dixon, CaliL EXCHANGE--Will exchange sets from Europe and Africa for American sets.---J. CLAmE Wooo, 179 17th itreet, Detroit, Mich. OVERFLOW list of your duplicates want- ed as follows: Random Notes on Nat. Hist. I, 2, 3; II, 12; III, 5, 6, 10, 1.1. Oregon Nat- uralist .[---Naturalist, Oregon City] I, 12 (Nov.-Dec., 1894). Field and Forest, I, 5, 6; II, 5, 6, 7; IlI, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12. Parts or volumes of these: Amen Osprey, Ky.; Bit- tern, Canisteo, N.Y.; Canadian Sportsman and Naturalist; Collectors Monthly; Forest and Field, N.Y.; Hawkeye O. & O.; Hoosier Nat.; Hummer; Loon; Maine O. & O.; Nat- uralist & Tax.; Observer I. 4; and Audubon Magazine II, 2.--D. W, C. BRAISLIN, 55t Washington Ave., Brooklyn, lq. I . FOR SALE--For best cash offer where the price is not indicated: The Auk--Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, bound in three-quarter sheep; fine unused copies--S12.00 for 4 vols.; also vols. 15 to 30 inclusive, in original covers, as issued. The Osprey--VoL 1, except Nos. 2, 4, 6; Vol. 2, except Nos. 2, 6, 7, 8; Vol. 4, un- bound; Vol. 4, bound in cloth. American Ornithology--VoL 1, No. 1, to Vol. 6, No. 6, inclusive, in original covers. Bird-Lore--Can still furnish full set or any volume or number issued. Make offer for any you want. Ornithologist & Oologist--Vols. 10, 11, 12. The Warbler--Vol. ! (1903) and 2 (1904). Have many back numbers of Oologist, Nidologist, Birds & Nature, and Audubon Magazine. Bedire's Life Histories of North Amer- ican Birds, Vols. ! and 2, in original cloth, fine condition, with many pages still un- opened, $15.00. Birds Thrgugh an Opera Glass, 50c. Rural Bird Life in England, Dixon, 50c. Chapman's Bird Life---new, $1.75. Wild Wings--Job, new, $2.00. Report on Birds of Pennsylvania, Warren, as new, with 100 colored plates, $4.00. Enemies of Poultry, Warren--new, full gilt, $4.00. Warblers of North America, as new, $2.25. --J. N. Swear, ltockport, Ohio.