THE CONDOR A llagazine of Western Ornltholog, Published Bi*Monthly by e Cper OrthoJcd Club J. GNLL, or HAZY S. SWATH, e tor J. UGN LAW Buess Mers W. L CHAMBERS Hollywood, California: Published Oct. 10, 1915 SUDSCRIPTION RATES One Dollar end rlfty Cents per Year in the United States. payable in advance. Thirty Cents the single copy. One Dollar end Seventy-five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two DoJlars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Dollars end Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. Manuscripts for publicatiOn, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, J. Grinnell, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Cali- fornla, Berkeley, California. Claims for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thirty days of date of issue. Cooper Club Dues, Subscriptions to The Condor, and Exchanges, should be sent to the Business Manager. Advertising Rates on application to the Business Manager. Address W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager F,ale Rock, Los Angeles County,. Califqrnia. EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS The lateness of the present issue is due to the necessity of carrying on the editorial functions of proof-reading, etc., from the field. A certain corner of Mono County, California, by the way very interesting ornithologically, is some six days distant by mail from San Jose, in the same state, where THE CONDOR is printed. The National Association of Fish and Game Commissioners met in San Francisco early in September, with several Cooper Club men interested in game conservation taking prominent part. The educational method of enforcing game-laws, a policy recently adopt-. ed by the California Commission, was the theme of the paper spoken of as the most important one of the session. Much of the success of the convention was due to the energetic efforts of Mr. Ernest Schaeffie, Secretary of the California Fish and Game Commission. The magazine BZue-birci, published by Dr. Eugene Swope, at Cincinnati, Ohio, is run- ning a series of very creditable colored plates of birds' eggs, evidently reproduced from autochrome photographs. Further possibili- ties in this line are ,thereby suggested, so that with perfecting of methods, especially as to the speed of autochrome plates, we may expect before long color-photos of livin. g birds. As noted on page 212, the Cooper Club's list of Honorary members has been in- creased by the addition of the name of Henry W. Henshaw, now Chief of the Bu- reau of Biological Survey, and at one time active as a field ornithologist in many parts of the west. It will be noted that the small number of elections to this class of mem- bership denotes special distinction,--a sort of emeritus recognition of creditable work in western ornithology in earlier days when workers were few and the stimulus of fel- lowship perhaps less in evidence than now as a spur to effort. The Northern Division of the Cooper Ornithological Club was addressed at its Sep- tember meeting in Berkeley by Dr. William T. Hornaday, who spoke on the question: "Shall we increase our big game on a food- supply basis?" Ewen S. Cameron, well known for his many excellent articles on Montana bird-life, died on May 25, 1915, at Pasadena, Califor- nia. Cameron was born in Scotland, Decem- ber 19, 1854, and latterly carried on the busi- ness of cattle-ranching for many years in the vicinity of Marsh, Montana. While thus interested, all his spare time was devoted to ornithology, in which pursuit his wife aided through her successful work with the cam- era. Scores of articles under the authorship of "E. S. Cameron", creditably describing different phases of the bird-life of Montana and Dakota, haYe appeared in various maga- zines, notably The Ibis, The Auk, Recreation, Country Lile, and Field (English).- COMMUNICATIONS PAIR PLAY FOR THE COLLECTOR: AN OPEN LETTER Dr. Harold C. Bryant, Game Expert, in Charge Education, Pub- licity and Research, State Fish and Game -Commission, Berkeley, Califor- nia; My dear Sir: It is with great pleasure that I learn of your advancement in the service of the Cal- ifornia Fish and Game 0ommlssion; and I am informed that your new duties will in- clude that of issuing permits to scientific collectors. You are to be congratulated upon these new honors,. so well deserved; and we who collect congratulate ourselves upon having to deal with a man of broad and well-balanced sympathies, as well as of scientific training and field experience. Your working chief, Mr. Ernest Schaeffie, was so good as to propose that I offer you a few suggestions regarding the execution of these new duties; and you will receive in good part, I am sure, from so sincere a well-