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193 Aquila chrysaetos. Golden Eagle. Three birds were noted in the Jolon valley. Haliaeetus leucoccphalus leucoccphalus. Southern Bald Eagle. This bird was noted on the winter trip near the mouth of the Little Sur River. A pair was seen perched cn a dead tree near the ocean. In the summer the bird was not seen; but Mr. Gamboa had killed one a few weeks before we got to the coast. There is no doubt that the bird breeds in this region. Oreortyx picta plumlfera. Mountain Quail. Noted on the upper slopes of Santa Lucia Peak above 4000 feet, at the head of the Jolon valley, and in the coniferous for- ests near Cone Peak. It was .not a common bird, but its loud whistling note was fre- quently heard. Several times the birds were seen very close by, remaining absolutely motionless while the observer approached to within twenty feet, when they would fly away with a great show of speed. I_ophortyx californica californica. California Quail. A common bird in the Upper Sonoran zone in the Jolon valley and also on the slopes of Santa Lucia Peak where it was noted as high as 4000 feet. It was nct seen on the coast side, though on the winter trip it was a common bird all over the coastal hills. It must occur in summer on the Fig. 65. TALLEY OF UPPER SAN ANTONIO CREEK, MONTEREY COUNTY, CALIFOR- iIA; HOlIE OF THE YELLOW-BILLED MAGPIE AND PltAINOPEPLA western side of the mountains, but our observations would indicate only in very small numbers. Columba fasciata fasciata. Band-tailed Pigeon. These irds were fairly common cn the slopes of Santa Lucia Peak, where they were seen in small bands of about six birds each. Then on the western slopes of the coastal ranges in the groves of oaks and bay trees they were numerous, and nesting the first week of June. Throughout the red- wood zone they were occasionally seen, but always singly. They prefer the eastern side of the mountains evidently. Zenaidura macroura marGinella. Western Mourning Dove. Fairly common in the Upper Sonoran in the Jolon valley, though not seen on the ocean side of the mountains. They were seen in the winter in the vicinity of the Sur River. Geococcyx californianus. Roadrunner. One of these interesting birds was noted near King City on the return trip. It was in the open valley of the Salinas River in the Lower Sonoran zone. Seen also near Carmel. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kingfisher. This is a common bird on the smaller streams

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