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..: ci"-iTS Characteristic Birds of the Dakota Prairies. I. In the Open Grassland ..... .............................................. Florence Merriam Bailell 173 A Walking Eagle from Rancho la Brea (with one photo by H. 8. Bwarth) .................................................... Loye Holmes Miller 179 Estimated Average Age of the Herring Gull ........ John Trealwell ichols 181 A Late Nesting Record for the California Woodpecker .................... ................................................ Harriet Williams Myers 183 Description of a New Race of Savannah Sparrow and Suggestions on. Some California Birds ............................... Louis B. BiShal, M.D. 185 A Partial List of the Summer Resident Land Birds of Monterey County, California (with map and five photos) ............................ .................................... J. R. Pemberton and H. W. Carriger 189 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Range of the California Clapper Rail ................... O. P. illiman 201 Bird-study Out-of-doors in European Schools (with one photo) .... .......................................................... C. M. Goethe 201 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Southern California .......... H. 8. warth 203 Supposed New Records for Santa Cruz Island ........ W. Leon Dawson 203 A Foe of Johnson Grass .................................. Joselh Dixon 204 Fork-tailed Petrels Delayed by Storm .................... O. P. illiman 204 The House Finch Again .............................. D. I. helardson 205 Late Nesting of the Townsend Solitaire ................. H. C. Bryant 205 A Notable Occurrence of Pacific Divers .............. W. Leon Dawson 205 Late Migration of the Cedar Waxwing .................... O. P. illiman 205 Western Gull and Arctic Tern: Corrections of Records .... H. 8. warth 206 Bluebird Nesting in Low Country .................... D. I. helardson 206 California Pine Grosbeak in Mono County, and Other Notes .......... ..................................................... A. Brazier Howell 206 A New Bird for the Pacific Slope of Southern California ........... .................................................... Wright M. Piercs 207 Limicoline Laggards at Santa Barbara ................ W. Leon Dawson 207 Another Mexican Ground Dove for California, and Other Notes .... ........................................................ O. P. illiman 207 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ........................................... 208 COMMUNICATIONS: Fair Play for the Collector: An Open Letter ...... ...................................................... W. Leon Dawson 208 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................... 212 Entered as second-class matter February. 108. at the post-office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station). California. under Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Issued from the Office of TH! CONDOR. First lational Bank Building. Hollywood. California MEETINGS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB SOVTHERN DiWSION: At the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting, 8 P. ., the last Thurs- day of every month. Take south-bound car from town; on Spring Street the car marked "University", on Hill Street the car marked "Vermont and Georgia". Get off at Vermont Avenue and Thirty-uinth Street. Walk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the building with the large dome. NORTHE DIxSo: At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versity of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 P. ., the third Thursday of every month. Take any train or car to University Campus. The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron building situated on the south side of the campus immediately north of the foot- ball bleachers.

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