Cryptoglaux acadica acadica. Saw-whet Owl. Rare. One found dead in the road near the Berry house. Coccyzus americanus occidentalis. California Cuckoo. Not uncommon, several specimens having been taken; breeds (June 16). Coccyzus erythrophthalmus. Black-billed Cuckoo. Rare, but one specimen having been taken. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Red-headed Woodpecker. Common; arrives May 20. Breeds (June 19). Mr. Berry has a small cherry orchard on his place, and-these wood- peckers keep him busy at cherry time, trying to get his share of the fruit. 0olaptes caret collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. A common resident; breeds (May 13). We have in the college collection a Flicker skin taken at the canyon, that is a hybrid between ca[er and auratus. Aeronautes melanoleucus. White-throated Swift. CommOn, several have been taken in the canyon. No doubt they breed there, but we have no record. Tyrannus tyrannus. Kingbird. Common. Arrives May 10; breeds (June 6). Tyrannus veticaUs. Arkansas Kingbird. Common; arrives May 8. $aornis sayus. Say Phoebe. Common. Arrives April 5; breeds (May 15). Mr. Berry had in his workshop a hawk, mounted with spreading wings. Through the open window of this shop, a pair of Phoebe entered and built a nest on the back of this mounted hawk, between the outspread wings. Myiochanes richardseni richardsoni. Western Wood Pewee. Common. Arrives May 16; breeds (June 26). Pica pica hudsenia. Magpie. Common; breeds (May 6).' Cyanocitta steUeri diademata. Long-crested Jay. Common in winter, but uncom- mon in summer. Berry found a nest of this jay in a pine tree, high up on the north canyon wall. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Not uncommon.- Ar- rives April 10; breeds (May 29). Agelaius phoeniceus phoeniceus. Red-winged Blackbird. Common; breeds (May 15). $turnella neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Common; breeds (May 29). Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. Common. Arrives May 9; breeds (June 7). Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. A common summer resident. We have no record of its breeding in the canyon. Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis. House Finch. Common; breeds (May 5). Leucosticte tephrocotis tephrocotis. Gray-crowned Ros Finch. Not uncommon in winter. There are several specimens in the college museum taken at the canyon. Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln Sparrow. Not uncommon. There is a mounted bird in the college museum taken at the canyon. PipUo maculatus montanus. Spurred Towbee. Common; arrives April 25. The walls of the canyon are covered with a thick growth of underbrush, a condition dear to' the hearts of the towbees, and as they skulk through this underbrush, the canyon walls echo with their harsh call-notes. Oreospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee. One of the common birds of the canyon. Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak, Common. ArtlYes May 8; breeds (June 20). Calamospiza melanocorys. Lark Bunting. This is one of my favorite birds. A common summer resident, nesting in the alfalfa fields. Arrives May 20; breeds (Jnne 6). Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tanager. Not uncommon in migration. Arrives May 14. Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Common. Arrives May 13; breeds (June 25). Hitundo erythrogastra. Barn Swallow. Common. Arrives May 9; breeds (July 22). $telgidopteryx serripennis. Rough-winged Swallow. Five or six pairs found nest- ing June 27 in the bank along Spring Creek. I-anius ludovicianus excubitorides. White-rumped Shrike. Not uncommon. Arrives April 25; breeds (May 29). Vireos1va gUva gilva. Eastern Warbling Vireo. One of the common birds among the cotton-woods.