we were rewarded, after about an hour's search, with all three nests, each containing a complete set of perfectly fresh eggs. Still eager to learn if any more bred in the vicinity, several other islands of various sizes were visited, but no more of the birds were seen. While travelling back to camp, a single individual flew along the shore of Atlin Lake, but as it was growing late in the evening it was not deemed advisable to land and search for the nest. It seems highly probable that i other sections had been traversed as care- fully, additional nests of this species would have been found. Areas similar to those visited are to be found over practically the whole extent of Atlin Lake, which ranges north and south for almost one hundred miles, the width Fig. 51. NEST AND EGGS OF THE BOHEMIAN WAXWI.NG, TAKEN AT ATLI.N LAKE, BRITISH COLUMBIA. "NEST No. 4", BUILT CLOSE TO TREE TRUNK. varying from two to ten miles. Unfortunately the photographs of the nests taken in the field were fail- ures, the accompanying figures being from the specimens as they are at the Museum. These I hope will at least give a general idea of the appearance of the nest and eggs of the Bohemian Waxwing. Following are detailed descriptions' of the several nests and eggs. All were collected near Atlin, British Columbia, on July 8, 1914. Egg measure- ments are given in millimeters. The colors are according to Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature. Nest no. 1. The first nest fonnd was saddled on two small horizontal