THE CONDOR Vol. XVII MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS NORTHEaN DIVISION APRIL.--The regular monthly meeting .of the Northern Division of the Cooper Qrnith- ological Club was held at the California Academy of Sciences, 343 Sansome Street, San Francisco, April 15, 1915, at 8 P.M. President Mailliard was in the chair with the following members present: Mrs. Grin- nell, and Messrs. Evermann, Grinnell, Ray, Reynolds, Squires, Storer and Trenor. Two visitors were present. The minutes of the Northern Division March meeting were read and approved and the minutes of the Southern Division March meeting read. Mrs. Mary Van E. Ferguson and the twenty-two persons proposed at the Southern Division in February were elected to membership. The applications of Judge F. W. Henshaw, Supreme Court, San Fran- cisco, proposed by J. Grinnell, and four per- sons from the Southern Division were read. A communication from Professor J. N. Bowman, Secretary of the Pacific Associa- tion of Scientific Societies, was received stating that the constitution of the Pacific Division of the American Asociation for the Advancement of Science had received the necessary two-thirds vote from the constit- uent societies and that the work of the Pacific Association will be taken over by the Pacific Division at the close of the Aug- ust meeting. President Joseph Mailliard, as chairman of the arrangements committee for the A. O. U. meeting in San Francisco i n May, out- lined the plan of entertainment which will be provided. The plans were discussed by a number of these present. Notes on rare or unusual occurrences were offered by several of those present. Joseph Grinnell presented some of the problems as to the inclusion and rejection and the status of a number of species of birds in his forthcom- ing State List. A lively discussion followed'. ' Adjourned.--TaAcY I. STOREa, Secretary. SOUTHERN DIVISION APRiL.--The regular meeting of the South- ern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art Thursday evening, April 29. President Law was in the chair and the following members were in at- tendance: Mrs. Husher, and Messrs. Blain, Brown, Chambers, Colburn, Cookman, Dag- gert, Holland, King, Law, Little, Morcom, Miller, Nokes, Polkinghorn, Rich, Swarth and Wyman. Visitors present were Mrs. Law, Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Atkins. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved, followed by the reading of the minutes of the April meeting of the Intermountain Chapter. New members were elected as .follows:. Miss Ellen G. Scott, Tropico, California; Mrs. Katherine S. Wakeley, Los Angeles; J. Frank Wilson, Monrovia, California; Chas. O. Trowbridge, Framingham Center, Mass. New names proposed were: W. W. Richards, Oakland; Carroll DEW.-Scott, Pacific Beach; E. B. Trescot, Merced; all presented by W. Lee Chambers; and George Tallman, Los Ange- les, proposed by G. Willett. The committee on arrangements for en- tertainment of the A. O. U. reported on the probable plans for the occasion. The greater part of the evening was devoted to an exhibition of lantern slides of the bird colonies of Laysan Island. These were from pictures taken by Mr. George Willett dur- ing his visit to the island in 1913. Ad- journed.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. MAY.--The regular meeting of the South- ern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Thursday even- ing, May 27, 1915, with President Law in the chair and the following members pres- ent: Mis Germatn, and Messrs. Brown, Chambers, Daggett, Holland, Jewerr, Lit- tle, Miller, Rich, Swarth, Tallman, and Wyman. Mrs. Law was a visitor. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved, followed by the April minutes of the Northern Division and the May minutes of the Inter-Mountain Chap- ter. Four new members were elected: George Tallman, Los Angeles; E. B. Tres- cot, Merced; Carroll DeW. Scott, Pacific Beach; W. V. Richards, Oakland. One new name was presented, Richard D. Lusk, Winkelman, Arizona, proposed by W. Lee Chambers. A motion was passed confirm- ing the elections at the April Northern Di- vision meeting. A communication was read from officials of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, urging Cooper Club members to join the Association, which was strongly endorsed by such club mem- bers as happened already to belong. Mr. Wyman reported on bird banding, and Mr. Law gave many details of the American Ornithologists' Union meeting at San Fran- cisco the previous week. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary.