THE CONDOR A l{agazine of Western Oriaitholog Published Bi-Monddy by the Cooper Ornltholoical Club ]. GRINNELL, Editor HARRY S. SWARTH. Associate Editor J. EUGENE LAW } Business Managers W. LEE CHAMBERS Heftyweed, Califernia: Published July 2Q, 1915 SUDSCRIPTION RATES Ooe Dollar and Fifty Cents per Year in the United States, Canada, Mexico and U.S. Colonies, payable in advance. Thirty Cents the single copy. One Dollar and Seventy*five Cents per Year in all other countries in the International Postal Union. COOPER CLUB DUES Two Dollars per year for members residing in the United States. Two Doll&rs and Twenty-five Cents in all other countries. Manuscripts for publication, and Books and Papers for Review, should be sent to the Editor, I. Grinnell, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, California. Claims for missing or imperfect numbers should be made of the Business Manager, as addressed below, within thirty days of date of issue. Cooper Club Dues, Subscriptions to The Condor, and Exchan{es, should be sent to the Business Manager. Adverthln{ R&tar on application to the Business Manager. Address W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager, agle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS For the first time THE PACIFIC in the history of the COAST MEETING organization, a reg- OF THE AMERICAN ular congress of the ORNITHOLOGISTS' American Ornitholo- UNION gists' Union has convened in western North America. On Monday evening, May 17, 1915, the Thirty-third Stated Meeting of the Union was called to order in the rooms of the California Academy of Sciences, in San Francisco. This, the formal session of the Fellows, was devoted to the transaction of general business. Dr. A. K. Fisher pre- sided, with the following Fellows present: Dr. Jonathan Dwight, of New York; Dr. A. K. Fisher, of Washington; Professor W. K. Fisher, of Stanford; Dr. Joseph Grinnell, of the University of California; Mr. Leverett M. Loomis, of San Francisco; Mr. Joseph Mailliard, of San Francisco; Dr. T. S. Pal- mer, of Washington; Dr. C. Hart Merriam, of Washington; Mr. John H. Sage, of Port- land, Connecticut; Dr. Witruer Stone, of Philadelphia; and Mr. Otto Widmann, of St. Louis. On the following three days the public sessions, those of general interest, were held' in a centrally located auditorium on the Exposition grounds. There was an average attendance of 50 members of the A. O. U. and of the Cooper Ornithological Club, with many visitors. The following program of papers was presented. Tuesday forenoon. May 18. 1. "Notes on the Life-history of Pen- guins, with Special Reference to the Origin of Certain Instincts"; with superb lantern slides; by Robert Cushman Murphy, of Brooklyn. 2. "Oregon Bird-life in Motion Pictures"; the latest successes in motion photography; by William L. Finley, of Portland, Oregon. Lunch was served to the A. O. U. and their friends at the Inside Inn, on the Ex- position Grounds. Tuesday afternoon, May 18. 3. "Philadelphia to the Coast in Early Days, and the Development of Ornithology Prior to 1850"; by Dr. Witruer Stone, of Philadelphia 4. "In Memoriam--Theodore Nicholas Gill"; by Dr. T. S. Palmer, of Washington. 5. "The Migration of Albatrosses and Petrels"; by Mr. Leverett Mills Loomis, of San Francisco; discussion by Dr. T. S. Palmer, and Messrs. Murphy, Nichols and Loomis. 6. "A Late Nesting Record for the Cali- fornia Woodpecker"; by Mrs. Harriet Wil- liams Myers, of Los Angeles. 7. "The Average Age of the Herring Gull"; by Mr. John Treadwell Nichols, of New York City. Dinner in the evening for all members of the A. O. U. and C. O. C., and their invited friends, at the Clift Hotel. Between fifty and sixty were present and the occasion was a most happy one. Wednesday forenoon, May 19, 8. "Puzzling Immature Plumages of Some Birds"; by Dr. Jonathan Dwight, of New York City; discussion by Messrs. Loomis and Dwight. 9. "The Shore-birds of California"; illus- trated by a long series of artistic lantern slides; by W. Leon Dawson, of Santa Bar- bara. 10. "The Pacific Coast Races of Thry- omanes bewicki"; by Mr. Harry S. Swarth, of Los Angeles; read by title. Lunch served to the A. O. U. and C. O. C. at the Chinese restaurant in the Food Pro- ducts building. Wednesday afternoon, May 19. 11. "Birds of the Grand Canyan, Ari- zona"; by Dr. T. S. Palmer, of Washington. 12. The Salisbury wild life motion pic- tures, presented, with comments, by Dr. Harold C. Bryant, of Berkeley.