tary Sandpipers (Helodromas solitarius cinna'momeus) were seen occasionally, and on August 23 a small flock of Pectoral Sandpipers (Pisobia macalata) was noted. ]ared Grebes (Colymb.s nigricollis californicus)appeared on the waters of the lake, and some of the song birds, notably the Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana), had greatly decreased in numbers. On the last day of my stay at the station, August 25, another new bird was added to the Flathead list. A swift flew over the station building, and hovered about long enough to be identified as a Chaetura. I did not see it closely enough to make sure of the species, but considering the locality there is little doubt but that it was Vaux Swift (Chaetura vauxi). This bird has been re- corded but once .previously from Montana, when a bird was taken at Silver, Missoula County, June 25, 1891 (Bendire, Life Histories of North American Birds, vol. n, 1895, p. 183). This is also in the western part of the state. Mon- Fig. 43. NEST AND EGGS OF-THE OLIVE-RACKED THRUSH, AT FLATHEAD LAKE, MONTANA tana records of the Chimney Swift are equally rare and only from the extrelue eastern part of the state. While visiting Mr. H. P. Stanford at his taxidermist shop at Kalispell the next day, he informed me that he had also seen swifts at Somers, at the north end of Flathead Lake, but did not know what kind they were. I obtained from Mr. Stanford several records of other birds that are new to Flathead Lake, most of which are represented in his collection of mounted birds from this region. He possesses two good specimens of the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) which he states occurs regularly on Flathead Lake in September. There are no previously published records of this bird from Montana to my knowledge. He also has a specimen of the White-winged Scoter (Olderata deglandi), and stated that he has mounted for others at least three specimens of the Surf Scorer (Olderata persl, iciilata), both species being