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Books Every Bird-Lover Should Possess

HANDBOOK 017 BIRDS 017 THt WtSTtRN UNITID STATICS By FLORENCE ]KERRIAi BAILEY Fourth edition. With important addenda bringing the book down to 1915. "In making this book, Mrs. Bailey has performed a real pub- lic service. For all bird-lovers whose home is beyond the 1gis- sissippi, or who expect to travel thither, the book is indis- pensable."--Bradgord Torrey. "The most complete textbook of regional ornithology which has ever been published."--Frank 1I. Chapman, in Bird-Lore, N.Y. With 34 full-page illustrations and over 600 text illustra- tions, many of them by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. $3.50 net. WHERE ROLLS THE OREGON By DALLAS LORE SHARP "A thrilling story of game and bird- protection... A real treat to the na- ture-lover, and will be instructive to all interested in the conservation of our native birds and wild animals, in addition to its distinctive charm as pure literature."---Newark News. Illus- trated. $1.25 net. FIELD DAYS IN CALIFORNIA By BRADFORD TORREY Adventures and experiences while bird-gazing in California. "Mr. Torrey loved birds, beasts, flowers, green fields, the sea, and the mountains, and there are charming references to them included in this book."--New York Times. Illustrated. $1.50 net. METHODS OF ATTRACTING BIRDS By GILBERT H. TRAFTON "Those who want the pleasure of bird company and are unfamiliar with the best methods of attracting the wild birds will' find this book invaluable."hio Audubon Society. "I have gone through Mr. Trafton's book on 'qgethods of Attracting Birds," and find that he throws abundant light on the problem. With the volume in hand one need not long hesitate how to proceed to draw the birds about his house and grounds."--Joim Burroughs. Illustrated with cuts and diagrams. $1.25 net. %VILD WINGS THE BIRD OUR BROTHER By HERBERT K. JOB By OLIVE THORNE 1W_ILLER "The book will appeal 'strongly to "It brims with sympathetic narrative American sportsmen and to lovers of of bird-life and bird-lore, and will be nature everywhere." -- Philadelphia given a warm welcome by all who love North Amerieam Illustrated. $3 net. these small leathered friends."--Phfia- dephla Telegraph. $1.25 net. A GUIDI TO THI BIRDS OF NIW INGLAND AND IASTIRN NIW YORK By RALPH HOF F!ANN "For the use of a beginner we regard this volume as far and away the best book that the market now affords. It is intended principally as a help in identification, and for this purpose it has high merit. It tells clearly and with scientific accura- cy the field marks by which each bird may be recognized."onrna! og laine Or- nithological Society. With four full-page plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and nearly one hundred cuts in the text. $1.50 net. Also issued in a Field Edition, bound in full flexible leather, pocket size. $2 net. Prepare for your vacation now by joining The Burroughs Nature Club Send for illustrated pamphlet containing sketch of l{r. Burrough's life, and account of the Club's activities. ADDRESS: BURROUGHS NATlYRE CLUB, Cunbridge, Mtms. BOSTON HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. NEW YORK

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