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Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Not cormon summer resident; most frequently observed in coniferous timber in canyons near east end of Fernan Lake. Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tanager. Not common summer resident of the con- iferous timber. Petrochelidon lunifrons lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Common summer resident, nest- ing under caves. Hitundo erythrogastra. American Barn Swallow. Fairly common summer resident. Migration dates, May 28-30, first week in September. Iridoprocne bicolor. Tree Swallow. Common summer resident, nesting in cottoa- woods along river and lake shores. Riparia riparia. Bank Swallow. Not common summer resident. Small colony nests in banks of deep sand-pit and railroad, within the city limits. Bombycilla garrula. Bohemian Waxwing. Common fall and winter visitor. Large flocks seen in city limits from latter part of November to middle of December, feeding on mountain ash berries. Many mcuntain ash are .used as shade and ornamental trees in the city. Migration dates, November 18 and March 4. aombycilla cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing. Not common summer resident. Nest with three fresh eggs, seven feet from ground in haw bush, Fernan Creek, June 28. Lanius borealis. Northern Shrike. Rare winter visitor. One seen at Kelly meadow in January, 1913; one seen in city limits, December 21, 1914. Vireosylva olivacea. Red-eyed Vireo. Common summer resident of the deciduous thickets. Nest with four eggs, incubation slight, in red osier five feet from  ground in alder swamp, at east end of Fernan Lake, June 27. Vireosylva gilva swainsonh Western Warbling Vireo. Common summer resident of the thickets. Lanivireo solitarius cassinh Cassin Vireo. Not common summer resident of the dense thickets. Dendroica aestiva. Yellow Warbler. Common summer resident of the brushy hill- sides. Nest with four eggs found in spirea bush on Tubbs Hill, June 11. Young Yellow Warblers able to fly, June 14. Dendroica auduboni audubonh Audubon Warbler. Abundant summer resident, nesting in coniferous timber on hillsides. Common in city limits after young are able to fly. Departs. early in October. Dendroica townsendi. Townsend Warbler. Not common summer resident in dense thickets and timber. Specimen taken in an alder thicket at Fernan Lake, June 28. Oporornis tolmiei. Tolmie Warbler. Not common summer resident in swampy thickets. Several seen on brushy hillsides. Geothlypis trichas occidentalis. Western Yellow-thrcat. Not common summer resi- dent in deciduous thickets in vicinity of water. $etophag a ruticilla. American Redstart. Fairly common summer resident in decid- uous thickets. Antbus rubescens. American Pipit. Not common fall migrant. Cinclus mexicanus unicolor. American Dipper. Not common, but of regular occur- rence along mountain streams. One seen along Fernan Creek, October 25. Dumetella carolinensis. Catbird. Not common summer resident; nesting in willow thickets; young able to fly, July 10. Troglodytes aedon parkmani. Western House Wren. Not common summer resi- dent; often found nesting in old vacant buildings within the city limits. Nannus hiemalls pacificus. Western Winter Wren. Fairly common resident in coniferous timber. Frequently observed in dense deciduous thickets and swamps. Certhia familiaris montana. Rocky Mountain Creeper. Not common resident in coniferous timber. Specimen taken December 29; occasionally seen during the summer. $itta carolinensis aculeata. Slender-billed Nuthatch. Not common resident of coniferous timber. Occasionally seen within the city limits. $itta canadensis. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Common resident; frequently observed in pine thickets within the city limits. $itta pygmaea. Pygmy Nuthatch. Abundant resident. Common within the city limits. Several pairs noted nesting in tops of telephone poles.

  • Penthestes atricapillus septentrionalis. Long-tailed Chickadee. Common resident;.

frequently seen in city' limits. Nest with seven eggs in birch stub on French Gulch Creek, May 30.

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