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Myiochanes richardsoni richardsoni. Western Wood Pewee. Common summer resident, many nesting in pines in city limits. Empidonax hammondi. Hammond Flycatcher. One specimen taken in alder thicket near Fernan Lake shore, August 1, 1914. Empidonax wrightL Wright Flycatcher. Not common summer resident in dense thickets. Specimen taken in dense fir thicket on Tubbs Hill, May 25, and in alder thicket in Fernan swamp, September 1. Otooris alpestris merrilli. Columbian Horned Lark. Common summer resident on the prairie, west and north of the city. Pica pica hurlsonia. Black-billed Magpie. Common fall and winter visitor, gener- ally arriving early in September, remaining throughout the winter, and migrating early in spring. Earliest record of Fig. 49. No'r] Fore( o Com n'A] ALTITUDE 2894 e, AR SOURC ] COEUR D'ALElqE MOUNTAINS, IDAHO arrival, August 27, 1914. Cyan=citta steiieri annec- tens. Black-headed Jay. Com- mon resident; most numerous in dense wooded canyons and swamps. Perisoreus canadensis capi- talis. White-headed Jay. Not common resident in the moun- tains. Corvus corax sinuatus. Western Raven. Three seen April 20, 1913; one specimen examined. Oorvus brachyrhynchos hes- peris. Western Crow. Not com- mon summer and fall resident of the St. Joe Valley. N u c i f r a g a columbiana. Clarke Nutcracker. Irregular fall and winter visitor; abund- ant during good cone seasons. Abundant from October, 1911, to December 28, 1912; none seen again until August 11, 1914, the earliest date I have noted them. As they feed principally on the seeds of the western yellow pine in this vicinity, the irregularity of occurrence could be caused by pine-cone crop, which is heavy every two to four years. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. Bob- olink. Rare summer resident of St. Joe marshes. Several seen in tall grass in meadow near Wolf Lodge creek.

  • Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Rare summer resi-

dent of the marshes. Two specimens examined, taken on St. Joe marshes. Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis. Columbian Red-wing. Not common summer resi- dent; a few pairs nest in cat-tail marsh at meadow, Lake Coeur d'Alene. Sturnella neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Common summer resident of the prairie west and north of the city. Earliest date of arrival, March 27. One seen Octo- ber 31, on prairie near Post Falls. Icterus bullocki. Bullock Oriole. Rare summer resident; one specimen seen. Euphagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Not common summer resident; a few may remain throughout the winter. Small flock observed March 9, 1913, in tall

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