Asio flammeus. Short-eared Owl. Not common. Two specimens examined.
- $cotiaptex nebulosa nebulosa. Great Gray Owl. Rare winter visitor. One speci-
men taken at Mica Bay, Lake Coeur d'Alene, December 4, 1914; adult female. Cryptollaux funorca richardsoni. Richardson Owl. Rare winter visitor. One speci- men seen. Cryptollaux acadica. Saw-whet Owl. One specimen examined.
- Otus flammeolus. Flammulated Screech Owl. Not common. One specimen
examined, taken in dense thicket near Fernan Lake, September 28, 1914. Bubo virflinianu palle,cen. Western HOrned Owl. Fairly common resident; most frequently seen in September and October. Bubo vl21nlanu ubarcticu. Arctic Horned Owl. are fall and winter sltor. Two secimens examined, one taken at Bennett's Bay, Lake Coeur d'Alene, October 28, 1912. (ecorded in Co,Pea, xv, . 41.) Bubo virflinianu* atuatu. Dusky Horned Owl. Frequently seen In the fall n dense timber and swamps. Four specimens examined, one taken near edge of swamp at meadow, Lake Cur d'Alene, September 13, 1918. yctea nyctea. Snowy Owl. aro winter visitor. One specimen examined, taken in city limits. Glaucidium 2noma. Pygmy Owl. Frequently heard and seen during the months of September and October; may be resident. Ceryle alcyon. Belted Kngfisher. Common summer resident along streams and lake shores.
- Dobate villo,u monticola. ocky Mountain Hairy Woodpecker. Common res-
ident throughout the heavy timber. Have often seen D. v. ontcoa feeding on frozen apples remaining on trees, during the cold weather, within city limits. Dyobate ubecen homoru. Batchelder Woodpecker. Not common resident. Two spimens collected in alder swamp at head of Fernan Lake. icoide arcticu. Arctic Three-toed WoOdpeckor. Male and female collected from tall dead pine near Garwood, September 29, 1914; only secimens that I have seen or taken. 8phyrapicu variu nuchali. Red-naped Sapsucker. Nest containing young found June 6, 1914, in tall hemlock stub near Kelly meadow, French Gulch. Both parents were busy feeding young. Several specimens collected; one near Fernan Lake in dense thicket, and one in alder thicket near Mica Bay. Phloeotomus pileatus abieticola. Northern Pileated Woodpecker. Not common resident of the heavily timbered hillsides and ridges. Colaptos caret collaris. Red-shafted Flicker. Common summer resident, a few tenmining through the winter. Winter records, November 28, December 8, February 10 and 22.
- Chordeiles vlrflinianus henryi. Western Nighthawk. Common summer resident,
arriving the first week in June and depaing by middle of September'. Nests.on Tubbs Itill, Fernan ridges, and occasionally on prairie land. .*Chordeiles vir. flinlanu, hesperis. Pacific Nighthawk. Female and eggs collected June 27, 1914; nesting on high open ridge near Fernan Lake. Archilochus alexandri. Black-chinned Hummingbird. Not common summer resi- dent. Nest with two eggs found on Fernan Creek, June 8. 8clasphorus rufus. Rufou8 Hummingbird. Occasionally seen in May and June in City limits among bright-colored flowers. 8tellula calliope. Calliope Hummingbird. Not common summer resident. Have observed several pairs that were neting in dense pine thickets, but have been unable to locate any nests. Tyrannus tyrannus. Kingbird. Not common summer resident, nesting in bushes along St. Joe and Spokane rivers. Tyrannuz verticali,. Western Kingbird. Rare summer resident. One pair with young; nest on cross-bar of pole carrying high tenion electric wire, on prairie near Post Falls, July 5, 1913. Oayornis sayus. SaY Pewee. Not common summer resident; occasionally seen in city limits. Nuttallornis borealis. Olive-sided Flycatcher. Not common summer resident in the mountains.