Circus hudsonius. Marsh Hawk. Not common resident and migrant; seen in Fer- nan alder swamp and at meadows, Lake Coeur d'Alene. Accipiter velox. Sharp-shinned Hawk. Fairly common summer resident, remain- ing late in fall. A pair noted May 10, probably nested in dense fir timber on Fernan Ridge. Nest with five eggs on Tubbs Hill, June 15; young hatched during first week in July. Young taken in dense haw thicket on Fernan Creek, December 2.
- Buteo borealis calurus. Western Red-tailed Hawk. Rare summer resident, a few
pairs breeding in tall pines on the mountain sides. One specimen taken at Cougar Gulch, March 14, 1913. Food contents, small snake; from color of bits of skin judged it to be the common water snake. Buteo swainsoni. Swainson Hawk. Rare. Three young specimens examined in September, 1913. Archibuteo iagoopus sancti-johannis. Rough-legged Hawk. Several seen along St. Fig. 48. VIEW SHOSVING GENERAL FEATURES OF THE MOUNTAINOUS COUldTRY AROUID COEUR I D'ALEIE, IDAHO; RIIE IN FOREGROUND, ALTITUDE 4859 FEET, ,VAS SWEPT BY FIRE II 1910; GROVTH OF BLUEBERRY ON RIGHT-HAI;D, NORTH-FACING, SLOPE Joe River late in fall. One specimen examined, taken along St. Joe River, December 2O, 1912. Haliseetus leucocephalus. Bald Eagle. Rare resident. A few young seen in fall, but no adults for several years. Falco mexicanus. Prairie Falcon. Rare. One specimen examined, taken Novem- ber 6, 1912. (Recorded in CowDon, xv, p. 41.)
- Faico columbarius columbarius. Pigeon Hawk. Rare. One specimen examined,
taken at Echo Bay, Lake Coeur d'Alene. Faico sparverius phaloena. Desert Sparrow Hawk. Fairly common summer resi- dent in timber along edge of prairie, west and north of the city. Pandion haliaetus carolinensis. American Osprey. Not common summer resident, along rivers and lakes, nesting in tall cottonwoods. Asio wiisonianus. Long-eared Owl. One specimen taken in dense fir near edge of swamp at meadows, Lake Coeur d'Alene, September 13, 1913.