For Sale, Exchange and Want Coltltnn.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but zol for sale. For this department address W. LEE CHAmBeRS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. WANTED.--A1 set 364 1/3, taken in Cali- fornia. Will give in exchange 346 1/2.--D. I. SHEPtIARDSON, 209 E. 37th St., LOS Angeles, Calif. FOR EXCHANGE. Sets of the following: A. O. U. nos. 14, 352a, 71, 161, 222. Also skins of 222, 245, 161, 158, 157.--FaED. L. GRAVILT, E, 201 Montana St., Los Angeles, Calif. FOR SALE--Complete files of Condor and Bird-Lore, including subscription for 1915; Auk volumes 1 to 29 inclusive, and Bird lotes volumes 1 and 2 (1903-1904) bound separately. The Foreign Bird Club in back of volume two. All of these hi fine condi- tion. Address:--LAuRr. TR,rEa, 136 10. Dewey St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED--ridiologist vol. I, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, vol. IV, no. 3, Nov., 1899; the same N. S., no. 7, July, 19.02; Oologist: 1897, May, Dec.; 1899, April, Sept.; 1913, Ja-- April, incl.; Wilson Bulletin, 1894, no. 4; Belding's Land Birds of Pacific District, 1890; Loomis's Calif. Water Birds, nos. 1--5; Zoe, all vols.; Grinnell's Publ. no. 1, Pasa. Acad. Sci., 1897; Coues' Second Install. Ornith. Bibliog., 1879; Audubon's Ornith. Biog., vol. 2.--B. H. SWALES, Museum of Zoology. Ann Arbor, Mich. MUSEUMS AND PRIVATE COLLECT- ORS.--Am prepared to collect scientific material to order, from north and central Idaho this coming season: Botany, Entomol- ogy, Ornithology and small mammals. Cor- respondence invited.--HENRY J. Rtts% Box 683, Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. FOR EXCHANGE.--One set, 2 vols., "The Birds of Washington", author's edition, full imported Morocco binding, value $30, for a choice set, 1/3 of Golden Eagle's egg. Send eggs with notice for approval.--W. LEO- DAWSOn-, Santa Barbara. Calif. WANTED--Ruffed Grouse, live adults, or chicks, or eggs for hatching.--J. D. KUSER, Bernardsville, lew Jersey. FOR SALE--Complete set of Bird-Lore, vols. 1 to 16 inclusive, in original wrappers as issued. Will sell the set as a lot or will sell any single issue. Also have vols. 1-2-3-4; each volume bound in red cloth, gilt top. All are in nice condition. Here is an Oplor- tunity to obtain any issue ever published. Sold for best offer on each. 'he Auk, vols. 15 to 30 inclusive, in original covers, $2.00 per volume. Birds and Nature, vols. 6 to 19, except vol 9, in original covers, $1.00 per vol. Purchaser may have as many vols. of 'he Auk or Birds and lature, as he sires providing he begins with the first or last volume listed of each and purchases consecutively as many volumes as he de- sires; carriage extra. Also offer Bendire's "Life Histories of North American Birds", vol 1 in original paper covers, vol. 2 re- bound in half morocco; nice clean copies; $14.50. The following books all in nice con- dition unless otherwise specified are for sale for best offer: History of Birds of Kan- sas (Goss) illustrating 529 birds; Handbook Birds Eastern U.S. (Chapman) 6th edition 1900 flex-leather, second hand; Handbook Birds Eastern U.S. (Chapman) 1911, new pocket edition, flexible leather; Bird of Northwest (Coues), cloth; Warblers of North America (Chapman), as new; Coues' Key to N. A. Birds, 4th edition, 1894, pro- fusoly illustrated; American Ornithology (Wilson and Bonaparte), with notes by Jar- dine, vol. 2, green cloth; nice clean copy; pub. by Cassoll Petter and Galpin. Sylvan Secrets (Maurice Thompson), N.Y., 1887, narrow 12 mo., 1st edition, cloth; presen- tation copy in author's auto. graph. Report on the Birds of Penn. (B. H. Warren), 2nd edition, revised and augmented; 100 colored plates, 1890; fine condition. Blessed Birds (Fish). Birds Calendar (Parkhurst). Birds Through an Opera Glass (Merriam). Up- land and Meadow (C. C. Abbott). Wasteland Wanderings (C. C. Abbott). A Year with the Birds (Wilson FIagg). Our Native Birds (Lange).--J. N. SWIFT, Stockport, Ohio. NOTICE--A new edition of the Natural- ists' Directory has just been published by . E. Cassino. Sale,n, Mass. This directory is invaluable to naturalists since it is the means of bringing together students and collectors in all parts of the vorld through correspondence. The directory contains an alphabetical list of English-speaking pro- fessional and amateur Naturalists in all parts of the world, also a list of Scientific Societies and Periodicals. The price of the Directory is ,$2.50 in cloth binding, and $2.00 in paper binding. Sent postpaid. As only a limited edition has been printed it is ad- visable for any one wishing a copy to order
at once.