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Adaptability in the Choice of Nesting Sites of Some Widely Spread Birds

(with three drawings by the author) .......... Clarence Hamilton Kennedy 65 Nesting of the American Osprey at Eagle Lake, California (with four phpt0s) ......................................................................................................... Milton 2. Ray 70 Notes on Murrelets and Petrels (with three photos by L. Huey and A. Hiller) .............................................................................................. Adriaan van Rossera 74 Birds of a Berkeley Hillside (with fourteen photos on seven figures) ............ ............................................................................................ Amelia Sanborn Allen 78 A Forty Acre Bird Census at Sacaton, Arizona ........................ M. French G41man 86 Some Park County, Colorado, Bird Notes (with two photos) ................................ .................................................................................................. Edward R. Warren 90 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Franklin Gull: A New Record for California .............................. J. E. Law 96 Scott Oriole at San Diego in the Fall .............................. Frank Stephens 96 Early Nesting of the Texas Nighthawk ................. William Leon Dawson 96 A Curious Set of Gambel Quail Eggs (with photo) ............ F. C. Willard 97 The Breeding of the Snowy Egret in California_William Leon Dawson 97 Additional Records of the California Clapper Rail and Red Phalarope in California ........................................................................ Tracy I. Storer 98 Red Phalarope in the San Diegan District. .............................. -L D. iVokes 98 A Two Hours' Acquaintance with a Family of Water Ouzels .................... ...................................................... Harold C. Bryant and Amy M. Bryant 98 Notes from the Sea-coast of Southern California_Leon Lloyd Gardner 99 Peculiar Nesting Site of Anthony Towbee (with photo) ............................ ................................................................................................ Wright M. Pierce 100 The House Finch as a ParaSite ............................................ D. I, Shepardson 100 Pink-looted Shearwater on the Coast of Washington ................................ ...................................................................................... William Leon Dawson 101 Another Record of the White-throated Sparrow for California ............... .......................................................................................... Margaret W. Wythe 101 European Widgeon in Washington ............................................ J. H. Bowles 102 The California Shrike in Montana;--A Correction....Aretas A. Saunders 102 A Winter Record for the MacGillivray Warbler ................... L. E. Wyman 102 California Condor in Los Angeles County ...................... W. Lee Chambers 102 New ;Vinter Records for Arizona .......................................... George Willerr 102 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................................... 103 COMMUNICATION: A National Bird Census .................................. E. W. lV-elson 104 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ........................................................................................ 105 Entered as second-ch'tss matter February, 1908, at the post-office at Ios Angeles (Hollywood Station). Califoruia, under Act of Congress of llarch 3, 1879. Issned from the Office of Tn CONDOR. First Natlonal Bank Bnilding, Hollywood, Californla I9I $ Dues and Subscriptions ARE NOW PAYABLE Remember that all persons connected with this magazine are very busy with their regular occupations and that there is no salary 'con- nected with ANY office of THE CONDOR. $1.50 for U.S. Subscriptions $1.75 for Foreign Subscriptions $2.00 for U.S. Members $2.25 for Foreign Members W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager

Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif.

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