teuts. Iu goiug up mauy limbs suapped without warniug aud it behooved me to proceed very cautiously. After a hard elirob, iu some respects amoug the luost difficult aud daugerous I have ever made, I reached the uest at the top of the piue 112 feet up. The huge affair, of piue boughs aud twigs, about four feet across, was so situated that it was difficult to see iuto the nest cavity itself. After some maueuveriug, however, I succeeded in gertlug slightly above its outer edge aud iu peeriug over, when three eggs on au almost level bed of soft greeu moss, mixed with piue needles aud bits of wood, met my gaze. The eggs were appareutly but slightly iueubated, aud while heavily marked were in no wise peculiar. Next tooruing, aeeompauied by Mr. Cady, the locality was revisited and th photographs showu herewith, taken. I endeavored to get a picture of the Fig. 24. THE SECOND OSPREY'8 NEST FOUND. IT WAS 75 FET UP IN A DEAD PIh*E STANDING IN WATER AT TH DGE OF AN ISLAND bird as she returued from time to time to the uest, but iu this I was not sue- eessful as the eoustaut swayiug of the boat made photography of auy kiud rather difficult. Although we ouly rowed a short distauee from Spaldiug's, five more occupied uests' of the Osprey were uoted. The lake shore here is a succession of coves aud it is au iuterestiug fact that the uests were spaced about equi- disut from one auother. The second nest was 75 feet up iu a dead pine staudiug in deep water at the edge of an islaud. As the head of a sitting Osprey was scarcely diseeruible on the grouud glass, the bird was.roused, aud while Cady and Littlejohu explored the upper eud of the island, th earnera set I awaited the bird's returu. The picture shows the parent, with pendaut
legs, just droppiug iuto the uest. At the upper eud of the iulet mother nest, 60