'or Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skills and eggs can be offered in exchange, but nol for sale. For this department addr. ess r. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle lrock, Los Ang'eles Counly, California. FOR SALE--The ,4uk, 1892-96, inclusive, five volumes in original covers, $12.00.--W. LEot DAWSON, Santa Barbara, Califi WANTED--Ridgway's tirds of Worth and Middle tmerica, all volumes that have ap- peared, excepting I, II, and IV.--AUSTIN PAUL SMITH, 742 Pennsylvania Mve., San MUgohio, Texas. WANTED--Sets of eggs of Dotted Canyon Wren, Pacific Nighthawk, Oregon and Green Jays and Aplomado Falcon; also Bird-Lore, vol. x, complete or in parts.--C. MIILS CASE, 7 Holcomb St., Hartford, Conn. FOR SArRidgway's Birds of North and Middle America, I to VI, inclusive--S24. (wrappers); Auk, vol. XXVI (in parts)--$2. Both together, $25. Carriage extra.--B. F. CASE, Tolland, Conn. WAZ'rEDA 22 caliber repeating or auto- matic rifle, or a 25 ColCs automatic pistol. I would also like to correspond with any one having Coleoptera of the fatnil 3, Buprestidae for exchange. Can offer A-1 sets or insects in exchange for the above.--XV. J. CHAMBERlbIN, 429 iV. 12th Sl., Corvallis, Oregon. XVANTED--Loomis's IValcr JS'irds of Cali- fornia, I to V inc. Particularly want no. V. Will pay cash or give good exchange. Also want XVilson Bulletin, no 1 to 75.--0. P. SIL- IMAN, Caslroville, Calif. OVERrOW list of 3'our duplicates wanted as follows: Random Notes on NaL HisL I, 2, 3; II, 12; III, 5, , 10, 11. Oregon Natnralist [=Naturalist, Oregon City] I, t2 (Nov.-Dec., 1894). Field and Forest I, 5, 6; If, 5, 6, 7; III, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, lt, t2. Parts or volumes of these: Amer. Osprey, Ky. Bittern, Canisteo, N. 5/.; Canadian Sportsman and Naturalist; Collectors Monthly; Forest and Field, N. 5/.; Hawkeye O. & O.; Hoosier Nat.; Hummer; Loon; Maine O. & O.; Naturalist & Tax.; Observer I, 4, and Audubon Magazine II, 2.--DR. W. C. BRAIS- ,IN, 556 I4/ashington tve., Brooklyn, IV. Y. WANTED--For my private library, the fol- lowing publications of the Bureau of Biological Survey ( Division of Mammalogy and Orni- thology), U.S. Department of Agriculture: Bulletins 2, 4, 6, 7, 24; Circular 59.--TRACY I. SORER, Aluseum of Vertebrate Zoology, Uni- versily of California, Berkeley, California. GEOIL, OGICAIL, SURVEY OF CAIIFORNIA: Or- nithology, vol. I, Land Birds. Edited by S. F. Baird fro m the MS and notes ofJ. G. Cooper. 1870. The University of California now offers for sale a small munber of copies of this publi- cation, in the folded and collated but unbound signatures, in excellent condition. Price $2.50 each, postage or expressage extra (weight wrapped 4 pounds). Address The Universit 3, of California Press, Berkeley, California. VANTED--Information of all sorts concern- ing the breeding of ducks and shorebirds in California: Nesting dates, nnmbers of eggs in sets, proportion of young reaching maturity, present as compared with former status, elc.-- J. GRI1WElblb, flluseum of Vertebrale Zoo&gy, Berkeley, Caliornia. WANTED--Live bats for photographing and study. Will pay cash for desired species. If you know of an 3 , colonies, correspond with:-- J. GRINNELIb, IF[useul of Vertebrale Zoology, Berkeley, California. MEETINGS OF THE COOPER ORNITItO- LOGICAL CLUB SOUTHERN DIVISION: At the Museran of Histor),, Science, and Art, Exposition Park, Los Angeles. Time of meeting. 8 ,. M., the last Thursday of ever), month. Take south- bound car from town; on Spring Street the car marked "University", on Hill Street the car marked "Vermont and Georgia". Get off at Venuont Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. x,Valk two blocks east to Exposition Park. The Museum is the building with the large dome. NORTHERN DIVISION: At the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Universit 3, of California, Berkeley. Time of meeting, 8 P.M., the third Thursday of every month. Take an 3 , train or car to Universit 3, Campus. The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology is a large corrugated iron building situated on the south side of the campus immediately north of the foot-ball hieache.rs.