NOV.MBR.--The regular meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Califor- nia Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berke- ley, November 19, 1914, at 8 p.m. In the absence of President Bryant, Mr. H. W. Car- riger was elected chairman of the evening. The following members were present: Mrs. Allen, Miss Culver, Messrs. Carriger, Reyn- olds, Smyth and Storer. Mesdames Reyn- olds and Schlisinger and one other visitor were present. The minutes of the Northern Division Oc- tober meeting were read and approved, and the Southern Division October minutes were read. The following persons were elected to membership: Mrs. Jane J. Schlisinger, Dr. Otto Westerfeld and the persons pro- posed at the Southern Division September meeting. The following were proposed for membership: D. Moore Lindsay, 808 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah; R. Bruce Over- ington, Laurel, Maryland; F. A. Wrathall, 347 Wilson Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah; Thomas Boyer, Continental National Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah; Claude T. Barnes, 359 10th Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah; J. W. Su g' den, 55 S. 8th Street, West, Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. A. O. Treganza, 614 East 6th St., South, Salt Lake City, Utah; and R. H. Palmer, Downey, Idaho, all proposed by A. O. Treganza; Cassie A. Davidson, 1523 Spring Street, Berkeley; Katherine E. Dol- bear, 2015 13th Ave., Oakland; and Mrs. C. M. Haring, care of College of Agriculture, University of California, Berkeley, all by Tracy I. Storer; also the members proposed at the Southern Division October meeting, nine in all. The following written communication was received. To the Cooper Ornithological Club. Under the provisions of Section Two (2), article two (2) and subsequent definii- tions of the Constitution, we, the under- signed members or applicants for member- ship in the Cooper Club, make application for an Inter-mountain Chapter of said Club. at Salt Lake City, Utah. Signed: D. Moore Lindsay, R. Bruce Overington, F. A. Wrathall, Thomas Boyer, Claude T. Barnes, J..W. Sugden, J. H. Paul, Mrs. A. O. Tre- ganza, R. H. Palmer, James L. A. Mullen, A. O. Treganza. This application was read and laid over for voting upon at the next meeting. The context of the application had already been sent to the Southern Di- vision for consideration at their November meeting. A communication was received from Mr. Harry Harris of Kansas City, Missouri, do- nating the field notebook kept by Mr. George B. Sennett on his first two trips to Texas in 1877 and 1878, and a manuscript lecture by Mr. Sennett on the Birds of Par- adise. It was moved, seconded and carried that these be deposited in the Bancroft Library of the University of California sub- ject to the same conditions as Belding's manuscript of the water birds of California which is there deposited. Tracy I. Storer then spoke on "Some re- sults of a Summer Session Course in Or- nithology", pointing out some of the defi- ciencies in the textbooks and other litera- ture available for classroom instruction in ornithology and suggesting how some of the deficiencies could be supplied. Adjourned.* --TRACY I. STOP. El?., Secretary. DECEMBER.-The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, Thursday evening, December 17, 1914, at 8 r. . President Bryant was in the chair with the following members present: Mesdames Allen and Grinnell, Miss Crane, Messrs. Carriger, Grinnell and Storer. The minutes of the Northern Division November meeting were read and approved and those of the Southern Division Novem- ber meeting read. The following persons were elected to membership: D. Moore Lindsay, R. Bruce Overington, F. A. 'rathall, Thos. Boyer, Claude T. Barnes, J. W. Snyder, Mrs. A. O. Treganza, R. H. Palmer, Cassie A. Davidson, Katherine E. Dolbear, Mrs. C. M. Haring, and the persons proposed at the Southern Division's October meeting. The following applications for membership were received: J. N. Kendall, 253 Magnolia Ave., Lng Beach, proposed by H. C. Bryant, and the seven persons proposed at the Southern Division Novem- ber meeting. The application for an Inter- meuntain Chapter at Salt Lake City, Utah, was granted by unanimous vote. A letter was read from Mr. A. B. Howell concerning the preparation of an exchange list and also concerning bird banding in the west. The President was directed to ap- point a committee of one to consider the matter of bird banding for the membership of the Northern Division. Nominations for Northern Division officers for 1915 were made as follows: President, Joseph Mail- liard; Vice-President, Walter K. Fisher; Secretary, Tracy I. Storer. Mrs. A. S. Allen presented the paper of the evening, entitled "Birds of a Berkeley Hillside". The paper embodied observa- tions made by Mrs. Allen at her home on Mosswood Road where she has set out food and also provided water for the birds to drink and bathe in. A discussion of the paper followed. Adjourned.--TRACY I. STor. r R, Secretary.
- NOTE.--The following have been ap-
pointed a committee of arrangements for 'the Joint A. O. U.-C. O. C. meeting in San Fran- cisco in 1915: Joseph Mailliard, Barton Vr. Evermann, Joseph Grinnell, John Vr. Mail- liard.