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Jan., 1915



Mrs. Husher, and Messrs. Blaine, Chambers,

Colburn, Daggett, Gardner, Howell, Little, Miller, Morcom, Rich, Shepardson, Swarth, and Wyman. Mr. Edward G. Brown was a visitor. The November minutes were read and approved, followed by the November min- utes of the Northern Division. New mem- bers elected are: Wharton Huber, F. Sey- nour Hersey, F. H. Ward, Leonard C. San- .ford, G. E. Osterhour, W. H. Sanford, and Mrs. Marion Lampson Goodcell. A motion was also passed admitting to membership those individuals elected at the last North- ern Division meeting. New names were presented as follows: Professor W. A. Ford, Umatilla, Oregon, proposed by S. G. Jewerr; J. N. Swift, Stockport, Ohio, proposed by W. Lee Chambers. The resignation of Charles H. Richardson was read, and accepted with regret. President Law announced the personnel of the committee on arrangements for the joint A. O. U.-C. O. C. meeting in 1915, to be as follows: Messrs. Law, Willerr, Dag- gert, Howell, and Miller. The function of this committee is to assist in the entertain- ment of such members of the A. O. U. as stop in Los Angeles on their way to or from the San Franciscb meeting. A letter was read, received from Joseph Dixon, in which he offered to give an illus- trated talk to the Division on his experi- ences in the Arctic. The secretary was empowered to arrange for a special meeting if necessary. Nominations for officers for 1915 were in order at this, the last meeting of the year. After some discussion a motion was made and passed that the secretary cast a ballot electing to further service those now holding the several offices: President, J. E. Law; Vice-president, How- ard Robertson; Secretary, H. S. Swarth. Mr. Law had on exhibition specimens of the southern Califoriia species of grebes and loons, and there was some discussion of the various plumages represented. Ad- journed.--H. S. SWARTII, Secretary. NORTHERN DIVISION SEPTEMBER.--The regular monthly meet- ing of the Northern Division was held in Room 101 East Hall, University of Califor- nia, Berkeley, Thursday evening, Septem- ber 17, 1914, at 8 o'clock. President Bryant was in the chair with the following mem- bers present: Mesdames Allen, Anderson and Grinnell, the Misses Andrews, Atsatt, Crane, Culver and Swezy, and the Messrs. Anderson, Bryant, Camp, Carriger, Dawson., Grinnell, Mallliard, Silliman and Storer. Several visitors were present, The program of the evening was first pre- sented. Mr. M.P. Anderson spoke on "The Experiences of a Collector in Peru." His remarks were based upon a recent collect- ing trip which he made for the Field Muse- um of Chicago. The talk was illustrated with lantern slides of the scenery. The business of the meeting was then taken up. The minutes ef the Northern Di- vision August meeting were read and ap- proved, followed by the reading of the min- utes of the Southern Division meeting of the same month. The following persons were elected to membership: Miss Hazel King, Mrs. Amy M. Bryant, Mr. Lee R. Dice, Miss Amy E. Gunn, Miss Frieda Lueddemann, Miss Mary S. Storer and Miss Dorothy Con- ger, as also the names proposed at the Southern Division in June and July, twenty- nine in all. The following name was pro- posed for membership: Dr. W. Stark, Au- burn, California, by Tracy I. Storer. Nine names proposed at the Southern Division in August were read. Mr. Grinnell made a few remarks upon the need of observations in the late summer and early fall to detect the departure of the summer visitants as well as the arrival of winter visitants. Adjourned.--TRAcY I. STORER, ecretary. OCTOBER.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, October 15, 1914, at 8 p.m. President Bryant was in the chair with the following members pres- ent: Mesdames Allen, Bryant, and Grin- nell, Misses Culver and Lueddemann, and .Messrs. Bolander, Camp, Carriger and Grin- nell. Several visitors were present. The minutes of the Northern Division September meeting were read and approved followed by the reading of the Southern Di- 'vision September minutes. The following were elected to membership: Dr. W. Stark, and the members proposed at the Southern Division August meeting. The following were proposed for membership: Mrs. Jane J. Schlisinger, 1417 Filbert St., Oakland, by Mrs. A. S. Allen; Dr. Otto Westerfeld, 240 Stockton St., San Francisco, by Joseph Mallliard; and the persons proposed at the Southern Division September meeting. Joseph Grinnell gave a talk on the birds observed by him in a recent trip through the Yosemite Valley. A general discussion followed. Adjourned.--CHARLES L. CAMr, Secretary, pro tern.

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