New names were proposed for membership as follows: Miss Clare Germain, Los Ange- les, by L. E. Wyman; J. A. Munro, Okana- gan Landing, British Columbia, by Allan Brooks; J. Stokley Ligon, Pecos, Texas, by E. A. Goldman; and the following by W. Lee Chambers: Sidney S. Stansell, Manly, Alberta, Canada; Charles L. Phillips, Taun- ton, Masachusetts; Miss Heloise Myer, Len- ox, Massachusetts; Professor P. E. Kretz- mann, St. Paul, Minnesota; Edwin S. Mat- tern, Allentown, Pennsylvania; .Miss Har- riet E. Richards, Brookline, Massachusetts. A communication was read, received 'by the Secretary from the associate secretary of the Pacific Division of the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, asking the endorsement of the Southern Di- vision of the Cooper Club, of the proposed constitution of the Pacific Division. After some discussion this was accorded, and the secretary was instructed to convey to the secretary of the Pacific Division the ap- proval of the Club. Mr. Law, who had been devoting consid- erable time to the sea birds of the coast during the past summer, placed on exhlb... tion specimens of nearly all the species of gulls found hereabout. Different ages and plumages were well represented, making an instructive exhibit, which was well ex- plained by Mr. Law. AdJourned.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. NOVEMBER.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division was held Friday evening, November 27, at the Museum of History, Science and Art, with following attend- ance: President Law, Mrs. Gertrude H. Husher, Mrs. Frances M. Harmon, and Messrs. Chambers, Colburn, Edwards, Heg- her, Nokes, Rich, Smith, Swarth, Willett, Wood, Wyman, and Zahn. Mrs. George Wil- lett was a visitor. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. New members were elected as follows: Miss Harriet E. Rich- ards, Edwin Stuart Mattern, Professor P. E. Kretzmann, Miss Heloise Meyer, Charles Lincoln Phillips, Sidney S. Startsell, J. Stokley Ligon, J. A. Munro, and Miss Clare Germain. New names presented were: Mrs. Marion L. Goodcell, San Bernardino, presented by Edward Wall; W. H. Sanford, Stockton, presented by W. Lee Chambers; and the following presented by A. B. How- ell: Wharton Huber, Gwynedd Valley, Penn- sylvania; F. Seymour Herse.y, Taunton, Massachusetts; F. H. Ward, Rochester, New York; Dr. Leonard C. Sanford. New Haven, Connecticut; George Osterbout, Windsor, Colorado. The Secretary of the Northern Division transmitted a request from Mr. A. O. Tre- ganza, petitioning that permission be grant- ed to establish an Inter-Mountain Chapter of the Cooper Ornithological Club at Salt Lake City, Utah. The constitutional re- quirements having been complied with, the request was granted accordingly. A com- munication was received from Mr. A. B. Howell, proposing first, that the Club take action toward preparing an exchange list of birds' eggs and skins, as a standard of val- Ues. There was considerable discussion of the subject, but no action wag taken at this time, the matter being allowed to lie over for a month or two to permit of further investigation by those most interested. The second point covered by Mr. Howell was that the Cooper Club take some action t ward identifying itself with the work un- dertaken by the Bird-Banding Association of the eastern United States. On motion the President appointed Mr. Howell a commit- tee of one to take whatever steps are ne- cessary toward the development of this line of work. A short letter was read, written by Mr. Allan Brooks, October 27, at which time he was encamped with his regiment on Sal- isbury Plain, England. Mr. Wilfred Smith made some remarks regarding bird pro- tective legislation. Announcing that the Audubon Society (of which he is also a member) had appointed a committee to look after this phase of work, and that the different societies interested in the matter should have some method of working to- gether, Mr. Smith made a motion that the President appoint a committee of three, whose duty would be to keep the Club in touch with whatever legislation was pend- ing. The motion was passed, and Mr. Law appointed Messrs. Willett, Miller, and Rob- ertson to serve on the Committee on Leg- islation. A paper by Mr. Grinnell was read, enti- tled "Conserve the Collector". This was a strong argument for a more liberal attitude toward the collector, especially in the mat- ter of permits, and aroused considerable discussion. AdJourned.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. DECEMRER.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Museum of History, Science and Art, Tuesday even- ing, December 29. The following were present: President Law in the chair, and