With Rallus in the Texas Marsh (with four photos by the author) ........ .............................................................................................. George Finlay Simnns 3 The Nesting of the Black Swift (witIx four photos by the author) .................. ....................................................................................... William Leon 1Dawson 8 The Kern Redwiug--lgelaius phoeniceus .aciulatus {with six drawings on oue figure) .................................................................... Joseph ]gailliard 12 The Status of the Arizona Spotted Owl ................................................ Niagara at Your Door: An Appeal to San Franciscans..._ William Leon 1Dawson 19 Birds Observed ou Forrester Island, Alaska, during the Summer of 1913 (with eight photos and oue drawing by the author) ..................... tatarold tarealh 20 Birds of the Boston Mountains, Arkansas .............. ./lustin Pad Smith 41 FROM FIELD AND STUDY i Barn Owls as the Farmer's Friends ........................... John G. Tyler 57 Two Birds New to California ................................ .Larence JT[. taruey 57 Return.of Winter Birds to the Same Locality. ..................... .4melia S..4llen 58 Note on the Feeding Habits of the Blue-fronted Jay ................................. ........ Earlon Warren Evermann 58 Another Record of the Occurrence of the Emperor Goose in California ...... ........................ H. C. Bryant 58 Notes from San Bernardino, California .................................... Edward Wall 59 Occurrence of White-crowned Sparrow near Claremont, California .................. ....................................................... Wright It. Pierce 59 Bird Notes from British Columbia and Southern California ................ H. Grey 59 Random Notes from San Diego ............................... Laurence It. Huey 59 Yakutat Song Sparrow in Oregon ............... Mlfred Shelton 60 New Years Day Bird Census at Palisades, Mesa Couuty, Colorado .............. ............................................................................... J. L. Sloanaker 60 First Specimens of Baird Sandpiper from the State of Washington ............... ..................................................................................... Lte R. Dict 60 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ............................................................... 61 MINUTES O1 COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .............................................. 61 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post-office at los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California, under Act of Congress of Mtrch 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of THg CONDOR. First National Bank Building, Hollywood. California 1915 Dues and Subscriptions ARE NOW PAYABLE Remember that both the business managers are very busy with their regular occupations and that there is no salary connected with ANY2office of THE CONDOR $1.50 for U.S. Subscriptions $1.75 for Foreign Subscriptions $2.00 for U.S. Members $2.25 for Foreign Members W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif