Nov., 1914 INDEX TO VOLUME XVI 275
Planesticus migratorius achrusterus, 92
migratorius caurinus, 89, 91
migratorins propinquus, 40, 58, 89, 98, 122, 143, 252 Platypsaris aglaiae latirostris, 12 Plectrophenax nivalts nivalts, 86, 137 Plegadis guarauna, 122, 226, 232 Plover, Black-bellied, 80, 130 Golden, 80, 114 Mountain, 25 Semipalmated, 80, 114 Snowy, 114, 226 Upland, 130 Wilson, 25, 27 Podiceps cristatus, 170 occidentalin, 170 Podilymbus podiceps, 127, 146, 173, 174 Polioptila caerulea obscura, 39, 261 californica, 98 Polyborus cheriway, 261 Pooecetes gramineus, 146 gramineus confinis, 137, '251 Poor-will, Dusky, 210 Fronted, 189 Porzana carolina, 129, 146 Progne subin hesperia, 58, 145, 208, 210 Psaltriparus minimus californicus, 70, 168 minimum minimum, 39 Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 110 Puffin, 151 Horned, 73, 204 Tufted, 73, 110 Puffinus grimeus, 75 tenuirostris, 41, 89, 90, 99 Ptarmigan, Alexander Willow, 81 Dixon Rock, 81 Rock, 26 Ptarmigan, White-tailed, 131 Willow, 26 Ptychoramphus aleuttcus, 144 Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus, 41 Quail, California, 30, 43 Desert, 98 Plumed, 145 Valley, 55, 98, 145 Querquedula cyanoptera, 222, 227, 230, 231, 251 dimcorm, 128 Quiscalus quiscula aeneus, 136 Rail, California Clapper, 26 Yellow, 182 Railus levipeR, 26 Raven, Northern, 85, 135 Ray, M. S., Rome discoveries in the forest at Fyffe, 57 Recurvirostra americana, 114, 130, 226, 229, 233 Redhead, 128, 224, 228, 229, 231, 234 Redpoll, 86, 136 Redstart, 142 Red-tail, Alaska, 82 Redwing, Tricolored, 204 Regulus calendula calendula, 89, 143 calendula cineraceus, 39 calenduta grinnelli, 39, 89, 91 satrapa olivaceus, 39, 89, 143 Rhynchophanes mccowni, 137 Richards, 'T. W., a plea for comparative oology, 161 Ridgway, R., review of him "birds of North and Middle America," part mix, 188 Riparia riparia, 140, 164, 252 Rissa tridactyla pollicaris, 74, 111 Roadrunner, 24 Robin, 25 Western, 40, 58, 69, 89, 143, 252, 253, 254 Rook, 45 Rough-leg, Ferruginous, 132, 145 Runt, H. $., some notes on the nesting of the sharp-shinned hawk, 14 Sage, J. H., and Bishop, L. B., review of their "the birds of Connecticut," 97 Salpinctes guadeloupensis guadeloupensis, 213, 214 guadeloupensis proximus, 214, 215 obsoletus exsul, 216 obsoletus notins, 216 obsoletus obsoletus, 142, 210, 211 obsoletus pulverius, 211, 212, 213, 214 Sanderling, 7, 79, 114 Sandpiper, Aleutian, 79, 93, 114 Baird, 79, 114, 130 Buff-breasted, 80 Least, 79, 114, 130, 145 Pectoral, 79, 130 Red-backed, 79, 114 Semipalmated, 79 Spotted, 80, 93, 114, 130, 135, 251, 253 Western, 79, 114, i45, 226, 228 Western Solitary, 25, 130, 145 Sapsucker, Northern Rod-breasted, 84 Red-breasted, 27, 44, 64, 210 Red-naped, 26 Sierra Red-breasted, 31, 260 Saunders, A. A., the birds of Teton and northern Lewis and Clark counties, Montana, 124; the English sparrow as occurring in northwestern Monta- na, 183 Sayornis nigricans, 32, 210 Rayus, 32, 134, 251, 252 Scops kennicotti, 90