Nov., 1914 INDIX TO VOLUM] XVI 271
Goose, Hutchins, 26 Ross, 129 Snow, 128 White-cheeked, 78 White-fronted, ?8, 95 Goshawk, 182 Western, 81 Grackle, Bronzed, 135 Nicaragua Boat-tailed, 11 Graculus persptctliatus, 90 Grebe, Eared, 172, 173, 127 Holboell, ?3, 127, 171, 172 Horned, 109, 172 Mexican, 173 Pied-billed, 127, 146, 173, 174 Western, 109, 170 Grinnell, J., a second list of the birds of the Berkeley campus, 28; occurrence of the white-tailed kite in central Cali- fornia in 1913, 41; the great gray owl in California, 94; review of 3. H. Gurney's "the gannet, a bird with a history," 150; communicationMTso. CoNoB: a magazine of vertebrate natural history?, 185; review of Ridg- way's "birds of North and Middle Am- erica," part six, 188; review of W. S. Baily's "birds on Buena Vista Lake, Southern California, 242; review of Aiken's and Warren's "birds of E1 Paso County, Colorado," 264 Grinnell, J., and Swarth, H. S., review of their "birds and mammals of the San 3acinto area of outhern C*alifornta," 97. Grosbeak, Black-headed, 139, 143 Blue, 44 Kadiak Pine, 85 Newfoundland Pine, 151 Pacific Black-headed, 36, $3, 69 Rocky Mountain Pine, 136 Grouse, Columbian Sharp-taUed, 251 Franklin, 131 Gray Ruffed, 131 Oregon Ruffed, 26 Prairie Sharp-tailed, 131 Richardson, 130 Sage, 120, 251 Sooty, 81 Grus canadensis, 78 mexicn: t29 - GuUlemot, Pigeon, 74, 110 Gull, Bonaparte, 25, 26, ?5, 127 California, 111 Glaucous, 74 Glaucous-winged, 26, ?4, 111, 183 Herring, 25, 74 Ring-billed, 127 Sabine, ?$ Short-billed, ?4, 111 Western, 25, 111 Gurney, J. H., review of his "the gannet, a bird with a history," 150; migrations of the gannet, 261 Gyrfalcon, Gray, 132 H Haematopus bachmani, 81, 115 Haliaeetus leucoeephalus alascanus, 82, 132 Hanna, W. C., early nesting of the Califor- nia shrike, 146 HareIda hyemalts, ?? Hawk, American Sparrow, 30 Black Pigeon, 82 Cooper, 30, 131, 210 Desert Sparrow, 132 Duck, 26, 82, 132, 163 Ferrnginous Rough-legged 145 Fish, 260 Marsh, 30, 81, 131, 251, 253 Red-bellted, 146 Rough-legged, 82, 120, 132 Sharp-shinned, 14, 30; 81, 131, 146, 210, 251, 253 Sparrow, 121, 163, 251, 253 Swainson, 92, 132 Western Red-tailed, 30, 132, 210, 251, 253 Heleodytes brunnetcaptllus couesi, 146, 182 capistratus capistratus, 12 Helodromas solitarius einnamomeus, 130, 145 Herodias egretta, 93 Heron, Blackerowned Night, 30, 247 California Great Blue, 30 Great Blue, 108, 113, 129, 247, 251, 253 Northwestern Coast, 78 Snowy, 245 Heteractttis incanus, 80, 114 Hlmantopus mexicanus, 221, 226, 228 Hirundo erythrogastra, 88, 122, 140 Histrionicus histrionicus, 77, 112, 128 .Holden, F. H., a method of cleaning skulls and disarticulated skeletons, 239 Howell, A. B., destruction of birds in Cali- fornia by fumigation of trees, 54; a new record for the Pacific slope of southern California, 93; a plea for more lasting field notes, 180 Hummingbird, Allen, 29, 32, 182 Anna, 26, 32, 182, 210, 261 Black-ehinned, 210, 251, 253 Calliope, 26, 134, 196 Costa, 146 Rufous, 84, 134, 210, 251, 253, 261 Hydrcohelidon nigra surinamensis, 251 Hyloctchia altctac, 90 fuseescerts salteicoia, 143 guttata auduboni, 143 guttata. guttata, 44