A Forty-five Year History of the Snowy Heron in Utah (with map and one photo by G. R. FValker) ........................ Alwoet, Edward and /; O. Tregaza 245 The Effects of Irrigation on Bird Life in the Yakima Valley, Washington .................................................................................. Clarence lamilton Annedy 250 Breeding of the Bronzed Cowbird in Arizona (with two photos by I-I. T. JIUrlhy ) ......................................................................................................... 2;L French 6'ilnan 255 FROM FIELD AND STUDY: Arizona Records .............................................................................................. F. Stephens 259 The Struggle for Existence .......................... John/. Boyce 260 Beautiful Bunting in California ....................................................... F. S. l)aggell 260 Notes from Samton, Arizona ................................................... lI. Frenh Gibnan 260 Migration of the Gannet ..................................................................... f. Iur. G'urney 261 New Breeding Records for California .......................................... Joseph failliard 261 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ......................................................... 262 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ............................... 263 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................. 265 INDEX TO VOLUME XVI .............................................................................. 267 Entered as second-class matter February. 1908, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of Congress of lnrch 3. 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor. First National Bank Building. Hollywood,. Cal. 1915 Dues and Subscriptions ARE NOW PAYABLE Remember that both the business managers are very busy with their regular occupations and that there is no salary connected with ANY otfice of "THE CONDOR." $1.50 for U.S. Subscriptions $1.75 for Foreign Subscriptions $2.00 for U.S. Members $2.25 for Foreign Members W. LEE CHAMBERS, Bus. Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Cal.