The 0oloist is one of the oldest publi- cations in the UnitedStates devoted to these. It is now in its twenty-sixth year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist, Lacon, I11. PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUNA No. 1, 1900 Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska; 80 pp. and map - By J. GRINNELL No. 2, 1901 Land Birds of Santa Cruz County, California; 22 pp. 25c By R. C. i[CGREGOR No. 3, 1902 Check-List of California Birds; 100 pp. and 2 maps; out of print By J. GRINNELL No. 4, 1904 Birds of the HuachucaMoun- tains, Arizona, 75 pp. 50c By H. S. SWARTH No. 5, 1909 A Bibliography of Califor- nia Ornithology; 166 pp. $1.50 By J. GRINNELL No. 6, 1909 Ten-Year Index to THE CONDOIt, 48 pp. $1.00 By H. B. KAEDING No. 7, 1912 Birds of the Pacific Slope of Southern California; 122 pp. $1.50 No. 8, 1912 A Systenatic List of the Birds of California; 23 pp. 50c By J. GRINNELL No. 9, 1913 Some Birds of the Fresno District, Califoruia; 114 pp. $1.50 By J. G. TYLER No. 10, 1914 Distributional List of the Birds of Arizona; 133 pp. and nmp $1.50 By H. S. SWARTH IUI mernlers of fhe C. 0, C. can Uul fhe above a150% discount Address W. LEE CHAMBERS, Business Mgr. IEagle Rock Los Angeles Co. Cal. BIRD FOLKS XVill find complete outfits for Camp- ing and Tramping nndr our big tool CLOTHING FOOTWEAR EQUIPMENT S all calibre guns and ammunition, game bags and carriers. Kodaks and Photo Material. The Win. ,. n0egee co., Inc. Greatest Sperting Goods House on the Pacific Coast Phooes Home 10087; Main 8447 x38-x4 South Main St., Ios Angeles BilZD=LOIZ E No. 1 of Vol. XVI, issued Feb. 1, 1914, is the Christ- mas Bird Census number, containing reports from over 200 observers who contribut- ed to this annual event. Announcement is made of a plan for the cooperative study of bird migration. The birds figured in color are the Redpoll, Hoary Redpoll, Purple Finch and Wood Thrush. The first Volume of Bird-Lore contained 214 pages, the latest 506 pages. The maga- zine has grown but the price remains .the ,same. $ ! .o.Qo per Annum D. APPLETON Cg CO. West {2d St., New Yorl City