l*or Sale, Exchange and Want Colnmn.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but ol for sale. For this department address W. LEE CnAMaERS. F.ale )ock, Los Angclcs County, Ca!tfornia. FoR SALE.--Bendire's Life Hislories, per- fect condition: one volume, original doth, one- half red russia, marbled top. Very rare; listed everywhere at $16, or more; Thirteen Dollars, net.--P. B. PEABODY, Blue Ratids, l(ansas. WANTED.--Living, healthy birds of the fol- lowing species for aviary: Rose-breasted Gros- beak, Eastern and Western Evening Grosbeaks ]astern and California Pine Grosbeaks, Eastern and Western Blne Grosbeaks, and Pyrrhuloxias. Expenses attendant upon capture of these birds, and fair remuneration, will be paid. Write in advance in regard to state pertnits. Correspond with:--F. W. HENSHAW, Redwood Cily, San Ialeo Counly, California. I WANT one copy each of "The Blue Bird", vol. 6, nos. 1 and 2, published at Cincinnati, Ohio; edited by Dr. Eugene Swope.-W. LEE C.MBERS, Eagle Rock, Los ,4ngeles Counly, California. ,rANTED.--Living or freshly shot specimens of Screech Owls, or other California owls, for scientific use. Arrangements for permit must be made with the undersigned before taking specimens. Address:--PROFESSOR C. A. KO- FOID, Zepartmenl of Zoology, Universdy of California, Berkeley, California. OVERFLOW list of your duplicates wanted as follovs: Random Notes on Nat. Hist. I, 2, 3; II, 12; III, 5, i, 10, 1L Oregon Naturalist [-Naturalist, Oregon City] I, 12 (Nov.-Dec., 1894). Field and Forest I, 5, 6; II, 5, 6, 7; III, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12. Parts or volumes of these: Amer. Osprey, Ky. Bittern, Canisteo, N. 5/.; Canadian Sportsman and Naturalist; Collectors Monthly; Forest and Field, N.V.; Havkeye O. & O.; Hoosier Nat.; Hmmner; Loon; Maine O. & O.; Naturalist & Tax.; Observer I, 4, and Audubon Magazine II, 2.--DR. BRAISLIN, .{56 Washington dye., Brooklyn, N.Y. WANTED--Osprey, Vol. I, no. 2. Will pay any reasonable price for a copy to complete my files. Also want ,4u/z, vols. I to 6 and 19, and copies of Journ. Me. Orn. Soe., and Bull. MictL Orn. Club.--DR. T. W. RICHARDS, U.S. razy, 1207 19lh. SI., N. F., Washington, D. C. WANTED.Nidiologist, vol. I, nos. 1. 2, 5, 8; vol. II, 11; Osprey, vol. III, 7.--0. Wid- mann, $105 lon lersen ,4ve., SI. Louis, ]1o. FOR SALE.--Complete file of Bird-Lore, first 14 volumes; first eight years bound in t.o vol- umes; wellbound, plain cloth$42.50. Also odd copies of Bird-Lore, vol. 2, nos. 5, 6; vol. 3, nos. 1, 2, 3, 5; vol. 6, no. 6; vol. 7, no. 6; vol. 8, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; vol 9, complete; vol. 10, complete; vol. 10, no. 5; vol. 11, complete; vol. 12, com- plete; vol. 12, no. 6.--ALICl PARK, 611 Gilman St., Paio ,4llo, Calif. FOR SALE.--The following periodicals at the price opposite each: rhe Observer, Jan. and Sept., 1892, one dollar each; May, 1893, 75 cents; vol. v, (1894) complete, six dollars; single copies, January and June, 1894, 75 cents each; vol. vI, 1895, Mar. and Dec. nos. missing, three dollars; vol. vii, 1896, Feb. ,Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct. nos., two dollars or 25 cents each. Ornilh. and Oologisl, Mar., Apr., May, May 15, June, July, Aug.,Sept.,Oct.,Nov., Dec., 1882, one dollar eacl:, and same, vol. viii, Feb.:Iuly indusire (1883), one dollar each. lquila, vol. xx, 1913, 585 pp., plates, $2.00. All in excellent condition.--R. W. SIJFELD, 3356 18ll SI., l'ashinglon, D.C. FOR SALE.--Twelve-gauge breecl-loader, good condition, with 32~ga. auxiliary; some
tools and shells. Five Dollars cash, Fifteen
Dollars exchange, net.--P. B. PEABODY, Blue Rapids, A'ansas. FOR SALE.--Nidiologist, vol. II, $1.50; III, $2.00; Iv, $1.50. All new in parts as issned. This is one of the early publications in which Cooper Club papers were published.--W. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle Rock, Los ,4ngeles Counly, California. WANED.--Copies of any of the following publications. Nidiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, N.S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and September, 1899; Wilson Bull., no. 4, 1894. B. H. SVqALES, Grosse Isle, Mich. WANTED--Number 3 of Vol. 1 The Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club; will pay cash, also exchange bird skins for eggs, or eggs for eggs; particularly interested in Eagles' eggs from anywhere.--L. BROOKS, 1.t0 choolSt., Nezo Bedford, Mass. WANTED--Loomis's I{Zaler Birds o[ Cali- fornia, I to V me. Particularly want no. V. Will pay cash or give good exchange. Also want Wilson Bulletin, nos. 1 to 75.O. P. SIL- LIMAN, Castroville, Calif.