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244 THE CONDOR' ' Vol. XVI

Los Angeles, by H. S. Swarth; Mrs. Edward Gay Butler, Berryville, Virginia, by H. H. Bailey; W. E. Boering, Seattle, Washington, by C. K. Knickerbocker; Robert W. Wil- liams, Takoma Park, Maryland, by T. S. Palmer; Mrs. Marie Andrews Commons, Crystal Bay, Minnesota, by T. S. Roberts; R. Bruce Horsfall, Princeton, New Jersey, by Alex. Walker; Frederick Adam, Tropico, and D. I. Simmons, Los Angeles, both pre- sented by A. E. Colburn; and the following presented by W. Lee Chambers: Mrs. Her- bert Brown, Tucson, Arizona; Dr. R. L. Walker, Carnegie, Pennsylvania;. George S. Shiras 3rd, Washington, D.C.; C. F. Hodge, Eugene, Oregon; Dr. Winsor M. TyIer, Lex- ington, Massachusetts; John P. Young, Youngstown, Ohio; Edwin B. Hunt, Wash- ington, D.C.; Horace G. Smith, Denver, Col- orado; Fred Barker, Parkers Prairie, Minne- sota; and Mrs. Harriet Brown Thornber, Tucson, Arizona. At the suggestion of Mr. Law the com- mittee on arrangements for the joint Amer- ican Ornithologists' Union And Cooper Club meeting to be he'll next year, was increased to five. The personnel of this committee will be announced later by Mr. Law, the chairman. There was considerable discussion over the suggestion recently submitted by the editor of THE CONDOle, that the magazine hereafter publish aatter pertaining to other branches of zoology besides ornith- ology, but no formal action was taken by the Division at this time. Messrs. Law, Wyman, Colburn, and Nokes displayed a number of beautifully made skins, recently collected, of many local spe- cies of birds in the younger stages. Downy young o2 several species of water birds, and the juvena'l' plumages of some of the rarer land birds were included. Adjourned.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. oRTHER mvmIo Jur.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Mu- seum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Cali- fornia, Thursday evening, June 15, 1914, with President Bryant in the chair and the following members present: Mrs. Grinnell, Messrs. Evermann, Grinnell, J. Mallliard, Storer, W. P. Taylor and Trenor. Messrs. Martens and McDonald were visitors. The minutes of the Northern Division for May were read and approved followed by the reading of the Southern Division minutes for May. The fl'lowing were elected to membership: Edward E. Armstrong, J. Howard Richey, and Ernest Schaeffle. New names proposed were as follows: Miss Charlotte Bowditch of Santa Barbara by W. Lee Chambers and Dr. Irwin D. Nokes of Los Angeles by A. E. Colburro It was moved, seconded and carried that a committee of three be appointed by the President to consider the proposed consti- tution of the Pacific Division of the Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science and to report at the July meeting. A letter from Mr. A. L. Barrows was read asking that the Cooper Club furnish the Pacific Division of the A. A. A. S. with suf- ficient stationery to send a circular letter to the members of the Club who are not yet members of the American Association offer- ing them membership in the latter associa- tion without the necessity of paying the regular $5.00 initiation fee. The matter was referred to the officers of the Division with power to act. Dr. H. C. Bryant then addressed the Di- vision on "The Status of California's Duck Population in 1914". The address covered the experiences of Dr. Bryant and his as- sistant in a recent trip to the more im- portant duck breeding grounds in California and the southern lake region of Oregon. Adjourned.--Tr,cY I. STORER, Secretary. Ju.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held in Room 101, Califor- nia Hall, Friday evening, July 17, 1914. The meeting .was open to the public. President Bryant presided and introduced as speaker of the evening, Dr. Waltec P. Taylor, Chairman of the Permanent Com- mittee on the Conservation of Wild Life, who spoke on the subject of "Our Vanish- ing Wild Life". About three hundred per- sons were present as Visitors, the meeting having been extensively advertised. The lecture was illustrated with lantern slides. A short business session was held at the close of the lecture to consider some' ap- plications. Those present were: Messrs. Bryant, Carriger, Evermann, Grinnell, Schaeffle, Storer and Taylor. The following were elected to membership: Miss Char- lotte Bowditch and Dr. Irwin D. Nokes. New names were proposed as follows: Dr. George Bird Grinnell, 238 East 15th St., New York City; Enos A. Mills, Longs Peak, Estes Park, Colorado, and Elizabeth J. Worcester (Mrs. Alfred Worcester), Bacon St., Waltham, Mass., all proposed by J. Grinnell; and Miss Minnette MacKay, 2420 Channing Way, Berkeley, California, pro- posed by Tracy I. Storer. Adjourned.--TracY I. STORE, Secretary.

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