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land might put out, if armed only with our A. O. U. (YecLtst! From a technical standpoint the publica- tion of the article was a mistake. Histori- cally it might have been of some value, if dates had been given. The vague expression "some few years ago" is hardly sufficient for determining the date of the conditions described. The poor typography and faulty grammar also are annoying. With all these faults, there yet remain some features which can be commended. It is not difficult, by perusing closely the con- text, and upon a basis of a knowledge 6f the species already known to occur on Buena Vista Lake, to interpret nearly every refer- ence with fair confidence into American terminology. The narrative is interesting and probably very close to the truth as regards the habits and relative numbers of the species en- countered. Some life-history notes of de- cided value are to be dug out of the text here and there by judicious effort. Adequate care in the formalities would have resulted in a distinctly useful product. Unfortunate- ly similar cases are of not rare occurrence nearer home.--J. GRINNELL. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIVISION JuN.--The regular meeting ef the South- ern Division was held at the Museum of His- tory, Science, and Art, Thursday 'evening, June 25, 1914. President Law was in the chair, and the following members were present: Mrs. Frances M. Harmon, and Messrs. Colburn, Cookman, Daggett, Huey, Law, Rich, Robertson, Snyder, Stivers, Swarth, Wood, Wyman, and Zahn. Visitors present were Mr. C. O. Reis, and Dr. John G. Shearer. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved, and the Northern Divi- sion minutes for May were also read. New members elected were: Miss Charlotte Bow- ditch, Santa Barbara, and Dr. Irwin D. Nokes, Los Angeles. A motion was also passed electing to membership those indi- viduals whose names were accepted at the last Northern Division meeting. New names were presented as follows: F.C. Holman, Palo Alto, proposed by Joseph Mail- liard; and the following, all proposed by W. Lee Chambers: Harry Harris, Kansas City, Mo.; J. Alden Loring, Owego, N.Y.; Mrs. E. C. T. Miller, Cleveland, O.; Ronald K. Brown, New York; Lionel S. Dear, Fort William, Ontario, Canada; Wm. Purdy Shannon, New York; Jules Labarthe, Thompson, Nevada; E. S. Cameron, Marsh, Montana; Horace W. Wright, Boston, Mass. A letter was read from the secretary of the Pacific Division of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, in- viting the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornithological. Club to participate in a meeting of the Association to be held in San Francisco in August, 1915. Mr. Law was appointed a committee of one, to attend to this matter as well as to any other de- tails arising in connection with the South- ern Division's relations to the Association. A motion was passed authorizing the sec- retary to supply the secretary of the Pacific Division of the A. A. A. S. with Cooper Club letter-heads, for a circular letter to be sent out by the Association to the members of the Club. A motion was made and passed, creating a committee on arrangements, to attend to affairs in connection with the Southern Di- vlsioh's participation in the Joint A. O. U. and Cooper Club. meeting to be held in 1915. Mr. Law was made chairman, he to appoint two others to assist him, their names to be announced at a later date. Mr. Huey spoke briefly about some of his collecting experiences of the last few weeks, among other things describing certain pe- culiar conditions observed among the water birds breeding a Buena Vista Lake. Ad- Journed.--H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. JULY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Southern Division was held at the Muse- um of History, Science, and Art, Los Ange- les, Thursday evening, July 30, 1914. Pres- ident Law was in the chair, and the follow- ing members were present: Messrs. Cham- bers, Colburn, Daggett, Edwards, Nokes, Rich, Robertson, Swarth, Welch. Wood, and Wyman. Mr. F. Barker was a visitor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, and the Northern Division minutes for June and July were also read. New members were elected as follows: F. C. Holman, Palo Alto; Harry Harris, Kansas City, Missouri; J. Alden Loring, Owego, New York; Mrs. E. C. T. Miller, Berkel'ey; Ronald K. Brown, New York; Lionel S. Dear, Fort William, Ontario, Canada; Wm. Purdy Shannon, New York; Jules Labarthe, Thompson, Nevada; E. S. Cameron, Marsh, Montana; Horace W. Wright, Boston, Mass. achusetts. A motion was also passed ad- mitting to membership those individuals elected at the last Northern Division meet- ing. The following new names were pre- sented: Carl D. Hegner, Los Angeles, pro- posed by H. A. Edwards; John G. SheafeL

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