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in a little open water near a dense growth of tules. Attempts to locate a nest of this species proved unavailing. Fullca americana. Coot. Next to Black-necked Stilts, Coots were the most numerous nesting birds in the vicinity of Los Barios. A record was kept of the general location of each nest found, material used in construction, and the numbers of eggs. On our arrival May 11 many new nests were found near- ing completion. On our departure most of the nests contained eggs. re were therefore led to believe that the nesting season was fully inaugurated by the middle of May. Only five broods of young were noted during our stay at Los Barios, while more than fifty nests were found. RECORD OF COOT'S NESTS FOUND A.T LOS Location Material Date 1. In sedge ....................... Sedges May 13 2. ' ....... 14 4. In tules ........................ Tules .... 5. In dock weed ................... Sedges " " 6. At edge of tul'es ................. Tules "16 7. On aquatic plant ................ Sedges and aquatic plant " " 8. In tules ...... .................. Tules .... 9. In wire grass .................... Sedges 10. On aquatic plant ................ ' ..... 11. In low tules ..................... Tules " 18 12. In tules ........................ ' ..... 13. In sedge ....................... Sedges " " 14. ' ......... ][5. ' 16. ' ......... 18. " " ' Tules "19 20. " " " 1. In tules ........................ Sedges 22. In sedge ....................... " " 20 24. In tules ........................ Tules " 27. In sedge and weeds ............. " " 28. In tules ........................ " " 29. In sedge ........................ Sedges " 85. On aquatic plant...; ............ " 86. In-sedge ........................ Aquatic plant , 87. " " . ...................... Sedges Total ..................  ...................... 87 Number of additional new but empty nests found .................................... 16 Number of nests with all eggs hatched ....... 2 BA. NOS Number of eggs 6 9 9 3 5 3 5 6 6+1 young 4 4 9 4 (2 pipped) 8 1 (pipped) 1-F o+hers hatched 8 10 8 9 6 5 " 7 22 6 28 1 " 8 Grand total ................................ 55 (2 plpped) -[- 1 young

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