The Nesting of the Spotted Owl (with seven photos by the author) ........................................................................................................... [___Z)oald 17. Z)ickey 193 Henry W. Marsden ......................................................................................... 1Louis t?. Bishop 202 Notes on a Colony of Tri-colored led-wings .......................................... droseph l}lailliard 204 Bird Notes from the Sierra Madre Mountains, Southern California .................................................................................................... iZ..4rdetz ?dzvards 207 A Study of the Status of Certain Island Forms of the Genus Salpitzctes ....................................................................................................................... r....zvart] 211 A Survey of the Breeding Gromds of Ducks in California in 1914 (with nine photos by the author) ...................................................................... iZarold C. t?ryat 217 A Method of Cleaning Skulls and Disarticulated Skeletons ............ F. Harvey Iuroldez 239 ]DITOlIAL NOTES AND NEVS. ..................................................................................... 242 PUBLICATIONS IEVIEWED ..................................................................................... 242 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................ 243 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908, at the post office at Los Angeles (Hollywood Station). California. under Act of Congress of llarch 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building, Hollywood, Cal. Complete your files of THE CONDOR AVIFAUNA before it is too late. Volume I of The Condor and Number Avifauna Series are already gone. and the 3 of the W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., California.