'or Sale, Exchange and Want Column.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but not for sale. For this department address Vg. LEE CHAMBERS, Eagle 2Yock, Los Angeles County, California. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE for books new to my library: Ridgvay--Orn. of IlL, vol. I, 1889. Ridgway--Birds of N. and Mid. Am., I to v inc. Cooper--rn. of Cal., 1870. Bendire-- Life Histories, I and II, 1892-95. Henshaw-- Report on Ornithological Collections, 1875. Coues--Birds of the Northwest, 1874. Couea-- Third Installment Orn. Bibliography, 1879. Elliot--Vild Fowl, 1898. NelsonuReport on Nat. }list. Coll. 1887. Cook--Birds of Michi- gan, 1'393. Fisher--Birds of Laysan, etc., 1893. The Warbler--2nd Series, I and II. The Nid- ologist--nearly complete file. Orn. and Oolo- gist---ix, x, xIII, xvII, etc. Condor--v, vI, vxI, IX, x, xI, etc. Auk--xvI, bound; also xtv, xvI, XVII, XVIII, etc., parts. WANT: Baird, Brewer and Ridgway's Water Birds. Wilson Bulletin--complete file to no. 75. Auk I, no. 2, 3, 4; iI, all; III, no. 2, 3; Iv, no. 2; vI, all; vii, all; IX, XL XXXV, XXV, xxw, xxx. Publications of California Acaderay of Sciences. Journal Maine Orn. Soc. Bulle- tin lXlichigan Orn. Club. Orn. and Oologist--I to v, inc.; also WL If interested send for complete lists, enclosing your own.---O. P. SILLIMAN, Castroville, Calif. VANTED--Osprey, Vol. I, no. 2. Will pay any reasonable price for a copy to complete my files. Also want ./Itek, vols. 1 to 6 and 19, and copies of Journ. hie. Orn. Soc., and Bull. Mich. Orn. Club.--DR. T. W. RtC}ARDS, U.S. 1Vary, 1207 19lb. St., IV. 1$., lt/ashington, iD. C. OVERFLOW list of your duplicates wanted as follows: Random Notes on Nat. IIist. I, 2, 3; II, 12; III, 5, 6, 10, 11. Oregon Naturalist [=Naturalist, Oregon City] I, 12 (Nov.-Dec., 1894). Field and Forest I, 5, 6; II, 5, 6, 7; III, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12. Parts or volumes of these: Amer. Osprey, Ky. Bittern, Canisteo, N.Y.; Canadian Sportsman and Natnralist; Collectors Monthly; Forest and Field, N. .; Hawkeye O. & O.; Hoosier Nat.; Hmnmer; Loon; lXIaine O. & O.; Naturalist & Tax.; Observer I, 4, and Audubon Magazine II, 2.--I)R. BRAISLIN, 556 It/ashinglot lve., rooklyn, iV. Y. FOR EXCHANGE.--Have many personally taken sets of British eggs, chiefly of the oom- raoner species, which I shall be pleased to ex- change for American sets. Correspondence in- vited.--P.C. Du'r'ro, 26 Lichfield Road, Stone Sta. lngland. WAN'rED.--Copiea of any of the following publications. Nidiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct., 1893; Osprey, N.S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and Septenber, 1899; Wilson Ball., no. 4, 1894. B. H. SWALES, Grosse Isle, lllich. WANTED--Number 3 of Vol. 1 The Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club; will pay cash, also exchange bird skins for eggs, or eggs for eggs; particularly interested in Eagles' eggs fronl anywhere.--L. BRooKS, 130 5chool Sl., New edford, }Iass. XVANTED.--Nidiologist, vol. I, nos. 1. 2, 5, 8; vol. II, 11; Osprey, vol. III, 7.--0. Wid- nmnu, 5105 Von Vetsen .4z,e., St. Louis, 1o. WANTED.---Old United States poslage stamps on the original envelopes or an old general col- lection of postage stamps. Have the following A1 sets to exchange for same. No. 12 1-1, 16 1-1, 29 1-2 2-2, 30a 1-1 or series, 49 1-3, 57 1-2 1-3, 74 1-2 2-2, 114.1 1-2 1-3, 122 14, 123b 1-3, 127 1-3, 128 1-l, 287 n-2, 293a 1-17, 296 1-10, 366 1-5, 375a 1-3, 381 1-2, 385 1-5, 470a n-4, 570 1-4, 632 734 1-5, all personally collected: also rare cole- optera from Arizona.--VIRGIL W. OWEN, 1241 Vine St., Iollywood, Los tngeles, Califorma. SKINS FOR EXCHANGE--Paleartic bird skins from Europe and Asia to exchange for North American specimens.--VIKTOR TSCHUSI, RIT- TER ZU SCItMIDHOFFEN, Villa lznnenhoff bet IYallein, Salzburg, lustria. BLUE RAPIDS, KNSaSRev. ;[r. eabody desires breeding notes, including egg-dimen- sions, for: Bailey Chickadee, Pacific Night- hawk, Sierra Grouse, Stepliens Fox Sparrow. Of any and all of these lie would be most glad to secure eggs in almost any condition, in ex- change. WN'rED--Specimens of Cimex, "bed4ng" from poultry, bats, pigeons, swallows, or from other birds or mammals inhabiting the Pacific States. Will determine material senL--E. P. VAN DUZEE, La Jolla, Calif. WANTED--Loomis's l{/ater Birds of Cali- foruia, I to V me. Particularly want no. V. Will pay cash or give good exchange. Also want ilson Bulletin, nos. 1 to 75.--0. P. SIL- LIMAN, Caslroville, Ca/if. WANTED--Information of all sorts as to the breeding of ducks in California: Nesting dates, numbers of eggs in sets, proportion of young reaching maturity, areas inhabited, etc.--J. GRINNELL, iluseum of Vertebrate Zoology, i?erkeley, Calif.