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Oakland; ' Halstead G. White, Claremont. New names presented were: J. Howard Richey, Pasadena, and Edward E. Arm- strong, Chicago, both proposed by W. Lee Chambers. The resignation of B. W. Ar- nold, Albany, New York, was read and ac- cepted. No papers were presented, but there was more or less discussion of recent finds and observations by such of the members as had been doing field work.--H. S. SWARTH, retary. M,.--The regular meeting of the South- orn Division was held at the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Thursday even- ing, May 28, 1914, with President Law in the chair, and wih the following attendance: Messrs. Bent, Chambers, Colburn, Daggett, Edwards, Eggleston, Law, Rich, Robertson, Snyder, Stivers, Swarth, Wood, and Wyman. Mr. I.D. Nokes was a visitor. The minutes of the April meeting were read and ap- proved. Two members were elected, Mr. J. Howard Richey, of Pasadena, and Mr, Ed- ward E. Armstrong, of Chicago, both pre- sented by W. Lee Chambers. New names to be acted upon were Miss Charlotte Bow- ditch, of Santa Barbara, presented by W. Lee Chambers, and Dr. Irwin D. Nokes, of LOS Angeles, presented by A. E. olburn. The secretary was in receipt of several communications from the acting secretary of the Pacific Division of the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science, relating to the Cooper Club's relations to the Association, the proposed new constitu- tion of the latter, and in regard to the meet- ing to be held in San Francisco in August, 1915. These questions were discussed at some length, but were finally left to the secretary, to be acted upon, at his discre- tion, but in general accord with the senti- ments of the Club as expressed in the course of the discussion. The fortunate presence in Los Angeles of Mr. A. C. Bent, of Taunton, Massachusetts, gave the Club members an opportunity of learning something of his plans and work on the life histories of North American birds. Mr. Bent kindly responded most fully to the request for an informal relation of what has thus far been accomplished, and his account of the history of' the undertak- ing was given the closest attention. The members then adjourned to inspect specimens and exhibits in the Museum.-- H. S. SWARTH, Secreta'y. NORTHERN DIVISION ArrL.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, April 23, 1914, at 8 P. . President Bryant was in the chair, with the following mem- bers present: Mrs. Allen, Miss Atsatt, Messrs. Camp, Carriger, Chandler, Daggett, Grinnel'l and Storer. Miss Susan B. Culver and Messrs. L. R. Dice, C. W. Fender and B. H. Pratt were present as visitors. The min- utes of the Northern Division for March were read and approved, followed by the reading of the minutes of the Southern Di- vision for March. Miss Edna A. Andrews, Berkeley, Califor- nia, Henry F. Barley, Santa Cruz, Califor- nia, and James A. MacDonald, Lathrop, Cal- ifornia, and the persons proposed at the Southern Division meeting for February were elected to membership. The following were proposed for membership: Miss Ada Ethel Crane, 7 Ross St., San Rafael, by H. C. Bryant; Miss Susan B. Culver, 2908 Chan- ning Way, Berkeley, by Mrs. Amelia S. Al- len; R. A. Emmons, Bureau of Biological. Survey, Washington, D.C., by Alex Wet- more; Frank H. Lord, 726 Schrader St., San Francisco, by F. E. Newberry; and H. L. Pillsbury, 73 Cedar Ave., Long Beach, by W. P. Taylor, and two names proposed at the Southern Division in March. Mr. Grinnell suggested that a committee be appointed to confer wlth the committee of the A. O. U. in regard to a joint meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Club and the American Ornithologists' Union in San Francisco In 1915. It was moved and car- ried that a committee of three, Mr. Joseph Mallliard to be one member, be appointed to conslder the matter. Mr. Storer reported that arrangements were belng perfected for a meeting of members of the Cooper Club at the general session of the Pacific Asso- ciation of Scientific Societies in Seattle in May. Mr. Grinnell then presented a paper on "Adaptations In Structure and Habits in Boreal Birds". A very interesting discus- sion followed the presentation of the paper. Mr. Daggett, a member of the Southern Division for many years, spoke briefly on the earlier years and membership of that Division. Adjourned.--TRxc I. STORER, 'c- retary. M.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division was held at the Mu- seum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, Cal'i- fornia, Thursday evening, May 21, 1914. In the absence of both the president and the viee-president, Mr. Cartiger was appointed

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