A Plea for Comparative Oology _ _ . Dr. T. I4/. Richards, U. Lb ]Vvy 161 Peculiar lheath of California Bush-Tit (with oue photo by 4nloninJay) ...... G. Willell 168 On the Oology of the North American Pygopodes (with five photos by the author) .................................................................. Dr. R. I: 5'hufeldl 169 FROM FIEI,D AND STUDY A Plea for More Lasting Iield Notes ...................... t. Jrazier I-[ozoell 180 Notes from Vicinity of Claremont, California ............. Leon Lloyd Gardner 181 Cedar Waxming Nesting in Humboldt County, California ._ /ohn 2;[. Z)az,is 182 Occurrence of the Yellow Rail in Southern Californi ........ hYrihl ]t. t)[erce 182 Nesting of the Allen Hummingbird on Catalina Island ........ G. 1 . Snyder 182 White-throated Sparrow in Oregon ........................................... lle.'. llaler 183 The Lewis Woodpecker Nesting in Alameda County,California L./).jo[andeV 183 The English Sparrow as Occurring in Northwestern Montana .......................................................................... trelas t. Saunders 183 Eye-color of Juncos: a Correction ..................................... ./Illan Jrooks 183 rly Arrival of the Ash-throated Flycatcher in tile San Diegan District t[. S. ,$varllt 183 Unusual Abundance of the Glaucous-winged Gull on the Coast of Southern California ................................................... G. lt, Ylletl 183 The Eastern Sea Brant in California- ...... H.C. Bryant 183 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS ........................................................................................ 184 COMMUNICATIONS THE CONDOR: A Magazine of Vertebrate Natural History ? ........ . Grinnell 185 Destruction of Birds as a Result of Volcanic Action ..... W. . Erstinc 186 Field Experiences on the Coast of Chile ............................... . H. eck 187 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ...................... 188 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS .......................................... 190 MEETINGS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB ......... 192 Entered as second-class matter February, 1908. at the post office at Los Augele$ (Hollywood Station). California. under Act of Congre.s of blarch 3. 1879. Issued from the Office of The Coudor, First ltional Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. Complete your files of THE CONDOR and the AVIFAUNA before it is too late. Volume I of The Condor and Number 3 of the Avifauna Series are already gone. W. Lee Chambers, Business Manager, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., California.