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Angeles, by M. W. Blain. Resignations were read and accepted, of E. Boyer, A. G. Ul- rich, F. O. Pilsbury, and C. W. Bowles. Election of officers. of the Division for 1914 gave the following results: President, J. Eugene Law; Vice-president, Howard Rob- errson; Secretary, H. S. Swarth. A COln- munication from Mr. W L. Dawson, tender- ing his services to the Club for a lantern slide lecture some time in February, was re- eeived with the greatest enthusiasm, and the secretary was instructed to make the neees~ sary arrangements. Members of the Audubon Society who were present suggested that it be made a joint affair of the two societies, and it was so ordered. A letter was read, written by Joseph Dixon and addressed to Mr. Grinnell, containing an intensely interesting account of the vicis- situdes of his party in Arctic Alaska before their final safe installation in winter quar- ters. The letter was brought overland by certain members of the expedition, and took over three months in reaching its destina- tion. Mrs. Husher announced that in future the Los Angeles Audubon Society would hold its meetings the third Thursday of each month, the place of meeting being the Hotel Clark, on 'Hill Street, between Fifth and Sixth. Meetings will be held at 3 ?. . Mr. George Wood spoke briefly of certain game and oth- er animals of northern Arizona, as observed by him in the mountains near Kingman and Prescott. Although a mishap to the lighting system of the portion of the city in which the Muse- um is situated forced the meeting to be held "by yellow candle light", the only eurtaihnen of the program was the forced omission of the inspection of the Museum building and exhibits, with which the meetings usually

dose. Adjo. urned.--H.-S. SWARea, Secretary. 

NORT}IERN DIVISION DEcEM:R.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, Thursday evening, December 18, 1913. Presi- dent Carriger was in the chair with the fol- lowing members present: Mesdames Allen and Grinnell, Miss Swezy, and Messrs. Bry- ant, Camp, Grinnell, Heinemann, Lastreto, Parker, Ray, Shelton, and Storer. Miss Gertrude Goldsmith and Messrs. F. Martens and'Otto Plath were present as visitors. The Northern Division minutes for November were read and approved followed by the read- ing of the Southern Division minutes for November. Miss Powell and Messrs. Pope, .Reynolds, and Stover were elected to membership. The following were nominatet for membership; from the Northern Division: Miss Efta V. Little, 229 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, California, proposed by H. C. Bryant; from the Southern Division: F. R. Decker, Pross- et, Washington, and G. H. Lings, Nyack, New York, both proposed by W. Lee Cham- bers. The resignation of Mr. Charles W. Bowle; was accepted. A communication from Mr. A. L. Cowell of the Bureau of Conventions and Societies of the Panama-Pacific International Exposi- tion was read, expressing interest in the ac- tion of the Club toward promoting a Con- servation Congress. Nominations of officers for the Northern Division in 1914 were as follows: President, Harold C. Bryant; Vice-President, Chase Littlejohn; Secretary, Tracy I. Storel'. Mr. Alfred Shelton presented the paper of the evening, entitled, "Birds of the North- western Coast Counties of California". Mr. Shelton was a member of an expedition sent out by the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology through the region mentioned, during the past summer and paid particular attention to the birds. In the paper Mr. Shelton first gave brief deskriptions of the, localities visited by the party, and then some of the interesting records and observations were related. Ad- journed.-TRACY I. SrORgR, Secretary. JANUARY.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Or- nithological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, Thursday evening, January 15, 1914, at 8 o'clock. Vice-President Bryant was in the chair with the following members present: Mrs. Grinnell, Messrs. Grinnell, Parker, Rankin, Shelton, Silliman, and Storer. Miss Goldsmith and Messrs. Lee R. Dice and Arthur Folger were present as visitors. The mi.nutes of the Northern Division for De- cember, 1913, were read and approved fol- lowed by the reading of the minutes of the Southern Division for the same month. It .was moved, seconded, and carried that the Secretary cast the unanimous ballot of those present electing those nominated at the December meeting as the officers for the cur- rent year. Miss Etta V. Little and Messrs. F. R. Decker and G. H. Lings were elected to membership. The application of Mr. Finlay Simmons, Houston, Texas, proposed by W. Lee Chambers was read. Mr. A. C. Chandler delivered the paper of the evening, his subject being, "Some inter- esting facts about feathers." Adjourned.- TRAcY I. S'roRR, Secretary.

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