Mar., 1914
PU]SLICATIONS REVIEWED 99 will be eventually consulted by two or three specialists, but a four-page biography in place of two might have gladdened twenty-six hun- dred readers. Sixty specimens of the Sierra Junco t Is human life (not to mention bird life) worth so little? In like manner, we should have been de~ lighted with a fuller series of photographs t, illustrate the constant references to "associa- tions" and botanical as well as topographical features, if these ardent mummifiers of 37 Costa Hummers and 38 Audubon Warblers and 51 Western Bluebirds could have spared the time from these mortuary rites. The half dozen photographs which are shown are excellently chosen, and greatly enhance the iuterest of the text, as do the map and prc- file diagram. Of minor criticisms none offer which re- fleet in any degree upon the accuracy or wholesomeness or scientific worth of this fin- ished contribution to knowledge. The re- viewer deprecates the use of lower case let- ters for the vernacular names of birds, as be- ing not only ungrammatical and vague, but ill-proportioned and offensive ,to the eye. Witness this from page 292: "The warbling, Cassin and Hutton vireos are arboreal for- agers"; or this cryptogram: "b:t the least is riparian, while the gray is distinctly a dry- slope forager". Also the reviewer is of those who resent the attempted change of the long- established and logical term "summer resi- dent" in favor of "summer visitant". If a bird does not reside where she rears her young, then she has no home or country. Am I only a "winter visitant" at Santa Barbara, because I spend four months at home and eight, or thereabouts, afield? The State holds otherwise ant so does common sense. ,4her hoch der San Yacinto Report!--W. L. DAW- SON. MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS SOUTHERN DIV] SION DEcEMBER.--The regular meeting of the Southern Division of the Club was h'eld at the Museum of History, Science, and Art, Thursday evening, December 18, 1913, with President Law in the chair. Those present were Messrs. Brown, Chambers, Daggett, Grey, Law, Miller, Morcom, Rich, Swarth, Willerr, Wood, and Wyman. Fordyce Grin- nell, Jr., was a visitor. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved, followed by the reading of the Northern Di- vision November minutes. New members were elected as follows: F. R. Decker, Press- er, Washington; G. H. Lings, Nyack, New York; Edwin S. Parker, Berkeley; P. (2. Dutton, Stone Staffs, England. One new name was proposed: Finlay Simmons, Hous- ton, Texas, presented by W. Lee Chambers. The election of new members by the North- ern Division, as given in the minutes of the November meeting, was ratified by vote of this division. The action of the Northern Division in re- gard to questions arisen in connection with the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies. was approved, as it was evident that the Southern Division would be unable to par- ticipate in a meeting held at Seattle. The dues of the Club to the Association were or- dered paid. Nominations for officers of the Division for 1914 were now in order. The present in- cumbents (President, J. Eugene Law; Vice- president, Howard Robertson; Secretary, H. S. Swarth) were placed in nomination by F.S. Daggett, seconded by L. E.-Wyman. After some discussion the nominations were declared closed. Mr. F. Grinnell showed some photographs of California naturalists, including a likeness of one of the Club's honorary members, Lyman Belding,. taken in 1882, at a time when he was doing much active bird work within the state. Mr. Miller exhibit4d a skin of the Slender-billed Shearwater ( Pulelinus tenu- 'frostfix) recently taken by himself at Hyperion Beach, Los Angeles County, the second rec- ord for southern California. Adjourned. H. S. SWARTH, Secretary. .[ANU;.R.--The .[auuary meeting of the Southern Division of the Cooper Ornitholog- ical Club was held at the Museum of His- tory, Science and Art, Thursday evening, January 29, 1914, with President Law in the chair, and the following members present: Mrs. E. H. Husher, and Messrs.'Blain, Cham- bers, Daggers, Dial, Edwards, Eggleston, Esterly, Grey, Judson, Law, Layne, Motcorn, Rich, Robertson, Snyder, Swarth, Wood, and Wynmn. Visitors in attendance were Mrs. Minerva J. Fargo, and Miss Wood. The Southern Division minutes for ]Decem- ber were read an( approved, followed by the Northern Division minutes for the December and January meetings. One new member was elected, Mr. Finlay Simmons, of Hous- ton, Texas. New names proposed were: Mrs. Minerva J. Fargo, of Los Angeles, ana Miss Ada Wilson, of Pasadena, presented by Mrs. E. H. Husher; C. G. Stirors, of Los Angeles, and L. R. Reynolds, of San Francis- co, by J. Grinnell; Miss Helen Powell, Berke- ley, by W. F. Bade; Miss Etta V. Little, Los Angeles, by H. C. Bryant; Luther Little, Los