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1897b. Grinnell, Joseph. Notes on the Marbled Murrelet. Osprey, i, 1897, pp. 115-117. Vi.cinity of Sitka. 1897. Palmer, Willi,4m. Auk, xiv, 1897, pp. 399-401. Description of Regulus calendula grinnelli Type from Sitka. 1898. Grinnell, Joseph. Summer Birds of Sitka, Alaska. Auk, xv, 1898, pp. 122-131. A list of sixty-six species of birds noted by the writer in the vicinity of Sitka dur- ing the summer of 1896, with notes on the nesting of several species. 1898. Mailliard, Joseph. Notes on the Nesting of the Forked-tailed Petrel (Oceanodroma furcata). Auk, xv, 1898, pp. 230-233. On St. Lazaria Island. 19023. Dresser, Henry Eales. A Manual of Palae-arctic Birds. 2 vols. London, 1902-3. 1906. Emerson, W. Otto..Oceanodroma leucorhoa and Its Relatives on the Pacific Coast. Condor, viii, 1906, pp. 53-55. Descriptions of Oceanodroma beai from Sitka Bay, Alaska, and Oceanodroma beldingi from Netarts Bay, Oregon. 1907. Shaw, W. T. Sitka Birds. Alaska-Yukon Magazine, iv, 1907, pp. 121-123. Short, popular account of some birds of Sitka. 1909. Grinnell, Joseph. Birds and Mammals of the 1907 Alexander Expedition to South- eastern Alaska. The Birds. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zo01., 5, February 18, 1909, pp. 181- 244. Many notes from Baranof and Chiehagof islands. Descriptions of Lagopg. (la- gopus) alexandrae, Lagopus (rupestris) dixoni, Buteo borealis alascensis, Picoides americanus [umipectus, Loxia c.urvirostra aitkensis and Planesticus migratorius caurin**s. 1910. American Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds. Prepared by a Committee of the American Ornithologists' Union. Third Edition (Revised). New York, 1910. Mentions many species from Sitka. 1910. Grinnell, Joseph. Birds of the 1908 Alexander Alaska Expedition. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 5, March 5, 1910, pp. 361-428. Reference to many species from Sitka. Descriptions .of Ceryle alcyon caurina, Dryobates pubescens glacialis and Penthestes ru[escens vivax. 1911a. Swarth, Harry S. Birds and Mammals of the 1909 Alexander Expedition to Alaska. The Birds. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 7, January 12, 1911, pp. 9-112. Reference to several species from Baranof and Chiehagof islands. 191lb. Swarth, Harry S. Description of a New Hairy Woodpecker from Southeastern Alaska. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 7. October 9, 1911, pp. 313-318. Dryobates villosus xitkensis. 1912. Swarth, Harry S. Report on a Collection of Birds and Mammals from Vancouver Island. The Birds. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 10, February 13, 1912, pp. 13-84. 1912. Willett, George. Report on Birds of St. Lazarla Bird Reservation, Alaska. Bird- Lore, xiv, 1912, pp. 419-426. Notes on birds observed on St. Lazaria Island during summer of 1912. Los Angeles, California, January 2z, z9z 4.

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