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forms me that he now has serious doubts as to the accuracy of his identification of this species at Sitka. larus ,tricpillus. Iyloeiehls slieise. Recorded by Dall. Professor Cooke informs me that there are no specimens of either of these two latter forms in the Bischoff collec- tion in the National Museum. Neither are there specimens of any other forms that could have been confounded with them. He' considers the publication by Dall of their being taken at Sitka by Bischoff to be a mistake of the writer. LITERATURE CITED 1850. Bonaparte, Charles Lucian. Conspectus Avium, 1, 1850, p. 477. Description of Passerella rutna (Melospia rnelodla rutna) from Sitka. 1858. Kittlitz, F. H. yon. Denkwurdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika, nach Mikronesien und durch Kamtschatka yon F. H. yon Kittlitz. 2 vols. Gotha, 1858. Includes important notes on specimens taken and birds observed by the writer in the vicinity of Sitka, June 23 to July 31, 1827. 1862-84. Schlegel, H. Museum d'hist. natur. des Pays-Bas. Revue mth. et crit. de la collection d 'Oiseaux. 7 vols. Leyde, 1862-84. A catalogue of birds in the Leyden Museum. The following species were men- tioned from Sitka, probably all erroneously: Sirnorhynchus carntschaticus (Aethiu pygrnaea), Simorhynchus crlstatellus (Aethia cristatella), Puftnus tenuirostrls, Diomedea brachyura (albatrus), and Graculus (Phalacrocoraa:) perspicillatus. 1867. Elliot, D. G. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. xix, 1867, p. 99. Description of Scops (Otus aslo) kennicotti from Sitka. 1869. Baird, Spencer F. On Additions to the Bird-Fauna of North America, made by the Scientific Corps of the Russo-American Telegraph Expedition. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., vol. 1, part ii, 1869, pp. 311-325. Mention of $cops (Otus asio) kennicotti, Leucosticte littoralis and Pufnus tenui- rostris from Sitka, with color plates of the three species. The record of the latter species quoted from Schlegel.. 1869. Dall, William H., and Bannister, Henry M. List of the Birds of Alaska, with Biographical Notes. Trans. Chicago Acad. Sci., vol. 1, part ii, 1869, pp. 267-310. The first list of the birds o.f Alaska published in English. Includes notes on a great many species secured by Ferdinand Bischoff, a member of the scientific corps of the Russo-American Telegraph Expedition, who was stationed at Sitka in 1865-66. 1873. Finsch, Dr. Otto. Zur Ornithologie Nord-west Amerikas. In Naturwissenschaft licher Verein zu Bremen, Abhandlungon, vol. iii, pp. 17-68. Bremen, 1873. All matter pertaining to Sitka quoted from Schlegel, Kittlitz, Baird, and Dall and Bannister. 1874. Baird, Spencer F., Brewer, T. M., and Ridgway, Robert. A History of North American Birds. 3 vols. Boston, 1874. Nearly all Sitka matter quoted from previous publications. 1882. Bean, Tarleton H. Notes on Birds Collected during the Summer of 1880 in Alaska and Siberia. Proc. U.S. National Museum, v, 1882, pp. 144-173. Several days spent at Sitka during June, 1880, and a number of specimens col- lected. 1883. Hartlaub, Dr. G. Beitrlg zur Ornithologie yon Alaska. Journal fur Ornithologie, xxxi, 1883, pp. 257-286. Matter pertaining to Sitka all quoted. 1887. Nelson, E. W. Report upon Natural History Collections made in Alaska, 1877-1881. Arctic Series of Publications Issued in Connection with the Signal Service, U.S. Army, no. iii, 1887. Matter pertaining to Sitka nearly all quoted. 1897a. Grinnell, Joseph. Petrels of Sitka, Alaska. Nidologist, iv, 1897, pp. 76-78. Describes nesting of Oceanodroma leucorhoa (  beali) and Oceanodroma iurcata' on St. Lazaria Island.

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