History of a Pair of Pacific Horned Owls (with eight photos) ...... _jr. ]L Dixon 47 Destruction of Birds in California by Fnmigation of Trees ...... 1. Brazier' Iowell 54 Willian Leon Dawson 56 An Asionine Rnse ....................................................... Some Discoveries in the Forest at Fyffe (with eight photos) ................. lilton S. Ray 57 Birds of Sitka and Vicinity, Sontheastern Alaska (with one photo by E. I. ]lerrill) ............ ' ......................... George IVillett 71 IROM FIELD AND STUDY: Hooded Merganser near Los Angeles_ ____ It. Lee Chambers 92 A New Bird for the Kansas List ...................................... /qlevc Itmore 92 California Brown Pelican in British Columbia .............. a]lrs. F. T. ]licknell 92 More Records of the Emperor Goose in California ................. I]. C. ]ryanl 92 Flight of Swainson Hawks at Pomona, California .......... .xldriaan van Rosson 92 Egrets in Los Angeles Connty, California ............. j]arriet IIilliams fffyers 93 Two Birds New to Oregon .................................................... Stanley G. Jewell 93 Probable Occnrrence of the Harris Sparrow in Washington . IV. Leon Dawson 93 Mallard Nesting in Tree ............................................. /qlevcander Italleer 93 Accidents to Spotted Sandpipers .............................. ............... _J. Eugene Law 93 A New Record for the Pacific Slope of Sonthem California ...4.Brazier I]ozvell 93 Occnrrence of the Black-bellied Tree-Duck in Sonthem California I]. C.]lryant 94 The Great Gray Owl in California .......................... ; ............................ _jr. Grinnell 94 Nesting of the Gray Flycatcher in Oregon .................. /qlea'ander Italker 94 Pigmy Owl in San Antonio Canyon, Los Angeles Co.,Cal.._ Iright ffI. Pierce 94 Unnsual Plumage of the Female Linnet ................................... H. S. Swarth 94 The Undying Error ................................................ Itilliam Leon Dawson 95 Albino Ariarids ................................................................. tt. C. ]lryanl 95 96 EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................... COMMUNICATION--Reviews and Just Criticism ............................ /q. O. Wreganza 96 97 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED ...................................... 7 99 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS ............................................ ntered as econd-class matter February, 1908, at the post office at Los Angle (Hollywood Station), California. under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Issued from the Office of The Condor, First National Bank Building. Hollywood. Cal. Handbool of Birds OF THE Western United States By FLORENCE MERRIAM BAILEY With thirty-three full-page plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and over six hundred cuts in the text. THIRD EDITION 13..0 Net. Po$tpaicl, 13.69 Houghton Mifflin Company Park Street Boston, lVlass.