For Sale, 13xchanEe and Want Colttmn.--In this space members
of the Cooper Club are allowed one notice in each issue free of charge. Books and magazines can be offered for sale or exchange; bird skins and eggs can be offered in exchange, but nolfor sale. Notices must be written plainly, on one side only of a clean sheet of paper. For this department address V. L CHAMBaRS, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles County, California. BOOKS FOR SALE.--From the library of the late Henry B. Kaeding, for best offer: Nid- iologist complete and bound in half-cloth; also 18 odd numbers of same including vol. I, nos. 1 and 3; nearly complete set of Osprey, in parts, with many odd numbers; The Condor, com- plete, vols. I-IX bound in 3, half-cloth, rest in parts; Ridgway's Birds N. and lffid. lmer. vols. I-IV, bound; Van Denburgh's Reptiles of the Pacific District; Eastwood's Trees of Pacific Slope; Grinnell's Biota; Henshaw's Report Wheeler Surveys, 1875; Mearns' Blarereals ]flexican Boundary; and scores of separates, government papers, etc. Negotiate with J. GRINNELL, ][US. Pert. Zool., Berkeley, Calif. FOR EXCHANGE.--Fine skins of 273, 289a, 320, 395, 477a, 479, 501c: 511a, 513, 549, 550, 575a, 703, 729, and others, for skins or eggs not in my collection. Send lists.--C. W. CHA- BERLAI:, _t6 Lincoln St., Boston, ]flass. OVERFLOW list of your duplicates wanted as follows: Random Notes on Nat. Hist. I, 2, 3; II, 12; III, 5, 6, 10, 11. Oregon Naturalist [=Naturalist, Oregon City] I, 12 (Nov.-Dec., t894). Field and Forest I, 5, 6; II, 5, 6, 7; III, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12. Parts or volumes of these: Amer. Osprey, Ky. Bittern, Canisteo, N.Y.; Canadian Sportsman and Naturalist;'Collectors Monthly; Forest and Field, N.Y.; Hawkeye O. & O.; Hoosier Nat.; Hummer; Loon; Maine O. & O.; Natnralist & Tax.; Obeerver I, 4, and Audubon Magazine II, 2.--DR. BRAISLIN, $$6 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. . FOR EXCIIANGE--A very limited number of Socorro and Black Petrels' eggs from the Coronados Islands, Mexico. line preparation and full data.LAURENCE M. HUE, 1703 Clay ,4re., San Diego, Cal. FOR SALE--The Birds of Virginia, 14 color- ed plates, 108 halftones, 400 pages, treating 185 spedes and subspecies of birds breeding in Virginia. Price $3.00, or will exchange for A1 photographs of birds, nests and eggs in situ, and books new to my library.HAROLD H. BAILEV, dVwll]port 2VllJs, l/a. WANTED.--Nidiologlst, vol. I, no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11; vol. II, no. 2, 8, 11; vol. III, no. 1; vol. IV, no. 9; Osprey, new series, vol. I, no. 4, 5. O. WIDMANN, 5105 /On Persen St. Louis, BIG. WANTED--Ornithologist & Oologist, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Cooper Club Bulletin, vol. 1; also vol 1, nos. 3, 4, 6; Condor, vols. 2, 3, 4; Os- prey, vol. 1, nos. 2, 4, vol. 2, nos. 11, 12, vol. nos. 11, 12; Nidologist, vol. 1, nos. 1-3; Rod & Gnn, vols. 7, 8; Forest & Stream, vols. 7, 8. Address with price--C. W. CHAMBERLAIN, -6 Lincoln St., Boston, illass. WANTED FOR CASH--Bird-Lore in good condition. Vols. I, III, X, XIII, and XIV, complete; Vol. II, nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Vol. IV, nos. 1 &2; Vol. V, no. 1; Vol. VII, no. 1; Vol. IX, nos. 3, 5, 6; Vol. XI, nos. 1, 5, 6; Vol. XII, nos. 4, 5, 6. Write at once, stating your lowest cash price and condition of the magazines. Would prefer the complete volumes unbound. Will pay any reasonable price as they are de- sired to complete my file.J. GREGG LAYNE, 232 S. Spring' St., Los Mngeles , Calif. WANTED--Number 3 of Vol. 1 The Bulletin of the Cooper Ornithological Club; will pay cash, also exclmnge bird skins for eggs, or eggs for eggs; particularly interested in Eagles' eggs from anywhere.--L. BROOKS, 130 School St., New Bedford, ]flass. WANTED--Vols. 1 and 2 of THE CONDOR. Address THE LIBRARIAN, Scripps Institution for Biological Research, La Jolla, California. FOR SALE.--A complete file of the Nidiolo- gist, 4 volumes. Send in your offers. T.J. FITZPATRICK, Lamoni, Decatur Co., Iowa. WANTED.--Copies of any of the following publications. Nidiologist, vol. 1, no. 2, Oct, 1893; Osprey, N.S., 1902, March, April and July; Oologist, May and December, 1897, April and September, 1899; Wilson Bull., no. 4, 1894. B. H. SWALES, Grosse Isle, WANTED--A male of any of the following species of hummingbirds: 426, 427, 428, 432,436, 439, 440.1 and 441. Only A 1 skins wanted, for which I offer three times their catalog values in exchange. Can offer A 1 sets from the north- west and elsewhere.J. H. BOWLeS, The Wood- StOCk, TaConla, Wash. W,NrED.--Offer for complete file of The Condor. Printer's copies. In A No. I condi- tion. NACE PRINTING COIPAN, 171 Santa Clara Street, San Jose, Cal.