Warbler, Golden Pileolated, 85, 157, 203 Hermit, 198 Lutescent, 24, 156 Macgillivray, 85 Myrtle, 131 Orange-crowned, 24, 111, 131 Pileolated, 156, 201 Yellow, 202 Warren, E. R., swallows and bed-bugs, 14; notes on some Mesa County, Colorado, birds, 110 Water-Turkey, 182 Waxwing, Cedar, 129, 156 Wetmore, A., notes on certain Kansas birds, 120 Whimbrel, 143, 148, 150, 196 Wilder, C. M., Anna hummer in Ferndale, Humboldt County, California, 129 Willard, F. C., some late nesting notes from the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona, 41; late nesting of certain birds in Arizona, 227; sharp-shinned hawk nesting in Ari- zona, 229 Willet, 145, 146 Western, 145, 146 Willett, G., bird notes from the coast of north- ern Lower California, 19; pelagic wan- derers, 158; a correction, 184 Wilsonia pusilla chryseola, 85, 203 pusilla pileolata, 131 pusilla pusilla, 131 Woodcock, American, 141, 144 European, 144, 194 Woodpecker, Ant-eating, 227 Cabanis, 119, 203 California, 119, 156 Lewis, 119 Nuttall, 119, 154, 156 Willow, 119, 157 White-headed, 199, 203 Wren, Dotted Canyon, 157 Long-billed Marsh, 94 Parkman, 112, 203 Rock, 24, 85, 92, 157, 210, 226 Wren, San Diego, 156 Santa Cruz Island, 92 Tule, 157 Western House, 119, 156 Wren-tit, 178, 179 Pallid, 24, 156 Wright, H. W., the white-tailed kite near Palo Alto, 184; [with Snyder, G. K.], birds observed in the summer of 1912 among the Santa Barbara Islands, 86; the birds of San Martin Island, Lower Cali- fornia, 207; the Sabine Gull in the San- ta Barbara Channel, 22_7; note on the Ashy Petrel, 229 Wythe, 3/1. W., review of C. C. Keezel's "bird study note book," 232 Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 113 Xema sabini, 227 Xenopicus albolarvatus, 203 Yellow-legs, GYeater, 21, 155, 156, 204, 205 ' Lesser, 204, 205 Yellowshank, 195 Greater, 196 Yellowthroat, Pacific, 24 Tule, 157 Zamelodia ludoviciana, 188 melanocephala, 92, 94, 119 melanocephala capitalis, 203 Zenaidura macroura, 183 macroura marginella, 22, 91 Zonotrichia albicollis, 41 leucophrys gambeli, 23, 111, 131 leucophrys leucophrys, 83, 111, 131, 203 leucophrys nuttalli, 41