Raven, American, 23 Western, 91 Ray, M. S., some further notes from the Ta- hoe region, 111; some further .notes on Sierran field work, 198 Recurvirostra americana, 16, 117, 141, 142, 218 Redhead, 120 Redshank, 141, 146, 195 Redtail, Western, 203 Red-wing, San Diego, 23, 111, 157 Regulus calendula calendula, 85, 113, 203 satrapa olivaceus, 85 Ridgway, R., review of his "color standards and color nomenclature," 131 Riley, J. H., review of his "birds collected or observed on the expedition of the Al- pine Club of Canada to Jasper Park, Yellowhead Pass, and Mount Robson region," 130 .Roadrunner, 92, 157 Robin, Western, 19, 85, 115, 199, 200, 203 Ruff, 141, 148, 196 Rust, H. J., birds new to the vicinity of Lake Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai County, Idaho, 41 $ Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus, 24, 85, 92, 210, Sanderling, 155, 156 Sandpiper, Baird, 68, 157, 184 Least, 21, 156 Red-backed, 156 Spotted, 22, HS, 139, 148, 155, 156, 203 Western, 156 Sapsucker, Red-breasted, 83 Sierra, 203 Williamson, 203 Saunders, A. A., a study of the nesting of the marsh hawk, 99; some notes on the nesting of the shortreared owl, 121; an unusual nest of the sora rM1, 128 Sayornis nigricans, 23, 91 phoebe, 182 sayus, 23 Scolopax gallinago, 194 rusticola, 144, 194 Scorer, Surf, 21, 156 White-winged, 156 Selasphorus alleni, 184, 205 Shearwater, Blacksvented, 20 Pink-foote& 89 Sooty, 20, 89 Shoveller, 21, 118, 156, 157, 217 Shrike, California, 18, 50 White-rumped, 232 Shufeldt, R. W., an introduction to the study of the eggs of the North American Limlcolae, 138 Sialia currucoides, 85, 203 mexicana anabelae, 188 mexicana occidentalis, 119 sialis, 184 Siskin, Pine, 82, 129, 203 Sitta canadensis, 203 carolinensis aculeata, 85, 119, 203 Smith, Austin Paul, notes and records from Brooks County, Texas, 182 Snipe, European, 139, 144, 194 Wilson, 21, 94, 144, 145 Snyder, G. K. [with Wright, H.], birds ob- served in the summer of 1912 among the Santa Barbara Islands, 86 Solitaire, Townsend, 94 Sofa, 21, 112, 128, 154, 156 Sparrow, Belding, 23, 155, 157 Bell, 23 Brewer, 111 Bryant Marsh, 182 Clay-colored, 121 Desert, 23, 111, 229 English, 154, 157 Gambel, 23, 111 Leconte, 183 Lincoln, 203 Mountain Song, 201, 203 Nuttall, 41 Rufous-crowned, 23, 155, 157 San Diego Song, 23, 157 Santa Barbara Song, 91 Scott, 227 Stephens Fox, 93 Thick-billed Fox, 84, 201, 203 Western Chipping, 23, 83, 157, 203 Western Field, 183 Western Grasshopper, 155, 157 Western Lark, 119, 157 Western Savannah, 157 White-crowned, 83, 111, 137, 198, 203 White-throated, 41 Spatula clypeata, 21, 118, 217 Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea, 18, 22 Sphyrapicus thyroideus, 203 varius daggetti, 83, 203 Spinus pinus, 129, 203 Spizella breweri, 111 passerina arizonae, 23, 83, 203 pusilla arenacea, 183 Spoonbill, 217, 220, 224 Sprig, 217 Squatarola squatarola, 22 Steganopus tricolor, 113, 139, 142, 184, 193, 200 Stellula calliope, 203, 232 _Stephens, F., early nesting of the band-tailed pigeon, 129; nighthawk drinking, 184 Sterna caspia, 118 forsteri, 118 maxima, 20 Stilt, Black-necked, 117, 142, 144, 147, 218 Stone, W., review of his "the phylogenetic value of color characters in birds," 47 Strix occidentalis, 40, 229 Sturnella neglecta, 23, 50, 91, 93 Surf-bird, 5, 22, 157 Swallow, Bank, 156 Barn, 23, 91, 156