TH CONDOR Vol. XV Lobipes lobatus, 193, 218 Loon, 20, 157 Pacific, 20, 157 Lophortyx californica, 158 californica vallicola, 17, 22 gambeli, 93, 158 Loxia curvirostra bendirei, 203 Lunda cirrhata, 88 Machetes pugnax, '141, 148, 196 Mailliard, J., the black-chinned hummingbird in Marin County, California, 43; the Stephens fox sparrow in Marin County, California, once more, 93; Henry Bar- roilhet Kaeding, 191; some curious nesting places of the Allen humming- bird on the Rancho San Geronimo, 205; dry season notes, 228 Mallard, 94, 121, 176 Mareca americana, 21, 184 Marila affinis, 21 americana, 120 Martin, Western, 119, 156 Massey, H., notes on the eggs of the North American Limicolae, referring princi- pally to the accidental visitors, 193 McAtee, W. L., review of his "the experi- mental method of testing the efficiency of warning and cryptic coloration in protecting animals from their enemies", 47; review of his "index to papers re- lating to the food of birds in the pub- lications of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1885-1911," 132 Meadowlark, Western, 23, 91, 93, 94, 157 Megaquiscalus maior macrourus, 183 Melanerpes formicivorus formicivorus, 227 formicivorus bairdi, 119 Meleagrls gallopavo, 104 gallopavo merriami, 104, 105 gallopavo mexicana, 104 gallopavo silvestris, 105 Melopelia asiatica trudeaui, 182 Melospiza lincolni lincolni, 203 melodia cooperi, 23 melodia graminea, 91 melodia inexpectata, 131 melodia montana, 203 Merganser, Red-breasted, 21, 156, 157 Mergus serratot, 21 Miller, L., a specimen of Bendire thrasher in the San Diegan region, 41; review of his "contributions to arian Palaeontol- ogy from the Pacific Coast of 'North America," 48; late fall occurrence of the black-headed grosbeak, 92 Mimus polyglottos leucopterus, 24 Minutes of Cooper Club' Meetings, 51, 97, 133, 160, 189, 236 Mockingbird, Western, 24, 156, 228 Mudhen, 218 Murie, O. J., unusual nesting site of the mat: lard, 176 Murre, California, 88, 89 Murrelet, Xantus, 20, 87, 89, 208 Muscivora forficata, 182 Myadestes townsendi, 94 Myers, H. W., early arrival of the black-head- ed grosbeak, 94 Myiochanes richardsoni richardsoni, 23, 83, 203 Nannus hiemalis hiemalis, 121 Nelson, E. W., obituary of Herbert Browla, 186 Nttion carolinense, 118, 217 Nighthawk, Pacific, 82, 92, 203 Texas, 184 Nucifraga columbiana, 203 Numenius americanus, 116, 143, 148, 150 hudsonicus, 22 phaeopus, 143, 148, 196 Nutcracker, Clarke, 86, 203 Nuthatch, Pigmy, 198 Red-breasted, 203 Slender-billed, 85, 119, 203 Nuttallornis borealis, 83, 203 Nycticorax nycticorax naevius, 117 Oberholser, H. C., review of his "a revision of the forms of the great blue heron (Ar- dea hero dias Linnaeus)," 50; review o Ridgway's "color standards and colr nomenclature," 131 Oceanodroma homochroa, 89, 229 leucorhoa, 158 Ochthodromus .wilsonius, 147, 150 Oidemia perspicillata, 21, 41 Oporornis tolmiei, 85 Oreortyx picta plumifera, 83, 203 Oreoscoptes montanus, 183 Oreospiza chlorura, 84, 203 Oriole, Arizona Hooded, 156, 157, 227, 228 Bullock, 50 Scott, 119, 158, 232 Osprey, American, 22, 210 Otocoris alpestris insularis, 91 alpestris merrilli, 135 Otus asio bendirei, 156 asio mccaIll, 182 Owl, Barn, 22, 157, 210 Burrowing, 18, 22, 157 Calio'rnia Pigmy, 157 California Screech, 156 Long-eared, 17 Pacific Horned, 92, 154, 156, 228 Short-cared, 121 Spotted, 40, 229 Oxyechus vociferus, 117, 147, 150, 218