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Nov., 1913 INDEX TO VOLUME XV 241

Hawk, Red-bellied, 228 Sharp-shinned, 157, 229 Sparrow, 91, 156 Western Red-tailed, 154, 156, 199, 201 Hen, Prairie, 121 Henderson, J., concealing and revealing color- ation of animals, 8; review of McAtee's "the experimental method of testing the efficiency of warning and cryptic color- ation in protecting animals from their enemies," 47; review of his "the practi- cal value of birds," 159 Herodias egretta, 118, 129 Heron, Anthony Green, 118, 157 Black-crowned Night, 117, 118, 156 Great Blue, 21, 50, 91, 118, 210 Hyperonca Blue, 155, 156 e Snowy, 157 Hersey, L. J., Gambel quail (Lophortyx gambeli) in Colorado, 93 Hesperiphona vespertina montana, 203 Heteractitis incanus, 21 Himantopus avocetta, 194 melanopterus, 194 mexicanus, 117, 142, 144, 147, 218 Hirundo erythrogastra, 23, 91 Howell, A. B. [with Lamb, C.], notes from Buena Vista Lake and Fort Tejon, 115 Huey, L. M., with the band-tailed pigeon in San Diego County, 151; nesting notes from San Diego County, 228; spotted owls in San Diego County, 229 Hummingbird, Allen, 154, 156, 184, 205 Anna, 23, 129, 184 Black-chinned, 43, 118, 156 Blue-throated, 41 Calliope, 203, 232 Costa, 23 Rufous, 157 Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis, 112, 118 Hylocichla fuscescens salicicola, 229 guttata sequoiensis, 115, 203 usulata usulata, 85, 203 Ibis, White-faced Glossy, 118 Icteria virens 1ongicauda, 119 Icterus cucnllatus nelsoni, 227 melanocephalus auduboni, 183 parisorum, 119, 158, 232 Ingersoll, A.M., great destruction of birds' eggs and nestlings in the Sierra vada, 81 Iridoprocne bicolor, 23, 84, 113. 203 Jaeger, Parasitic, 157 jay, Arizona, 227 Blue-fronted, 84, 157, 199, 203 California, 156 Santa Cruz Island, 91 Jewett, S. G., two stragglers on the Oregon coast, 226; three new birds from eastern Oregon, 229 Junco byemalls, 131 hyemalis mearnsi, 111 oreganus, 131 oreganus shufeldti, '111, 188 oreganus thurberi, 84, 115, 119, 203 Junco, Pink-sided, 111 Shufeldt, 111 Sierra, 84, 115, 199, 200, 203 Thurber, 119, 138 Kaeding, H. B., communication from, 96; obit- uary notice of, 159, 191 Keezel, C. C., review of her "bird study note book", 232 Kennedy, C. H., a nest of the dusky hornerl lark,. 135; mourning dove in the Lower Yakima Valley, Washington, 183 Keyes, V. [and Thayer, E.], review of their "catalogue of a collection of books on ornithology in the library of John E. Thayer", 233 Killdeer, 50, 94, 117, 147, 150, 156, 157, 205, 218 Kingbird, Arkansas, 46, 110, 116, 119 Cassin, 23, 110, 154, 156 Western, 154, 156 Kingfisher, Belted, 22, 154, 156, 202 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned, 85, 113, 199, 200, 203 Western Golden-crowned, 85 Kite, White-tailed, 157, 184 Knot, 157 I. Lacey, John Fletcher, obituary notice of, 230 Lamb, C. [with Howell, A. B.], notes from Buena Vista Lake and Fort Tejon, 115 Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides, 232 ludovicianus gambeli, 18 Lanivireo solitarius cassini, 118 solitarius plumbeus, 111 Lapwing, 149, 150, 197 Lark, California Horned, 156 Dusky Horned, 135 Island Horned, 91 Larus argentatus, 20 californicus, 20, 117 heermanni, 20, 89, 209 occidentalis, 20, 89, 20 philadelphia, 20, 117 hyperboreus, 154 Leucosticte, Gray-crowned, 203 Leucosticte tephrocotis dawoni, 76 tephrocotis tephrocotis, 77, 131, 203 Limosa fedoa, 21 haemastica, 146 limosa, 145, 146, 195 Linnet, 119, 184 California, 157

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