Nov., 1913
INDEX TO VOLUME XV Cathartes aura septentrionalis, 22, 218 Catoptrophorus semipalmatus, 145, 146 senipalmatus inornatus, 145, 146 Cedar-bird, 155 Centurus carolinus, 120 Cepphus columba, 89 Certhia familiaris zelotes, 85, 203 Ceryle alcyon, 22, 202 Chaetura vauxi, 188 Chamaea fasciata, 179 Chambers, W. L., more band-tailed 'pigeou notes, 41 Charadrius apricarius, 197 dominicus dominicus, 147, 150, 197 pluvialis, 197 Chat, Long-tailed, 119 Chaulelasmus streperus, 21, 184 Chen caerulescens, 43 hyperboreus. hyperboreus, 43 Chickadee, Mountain, 85, 198, 200, 203 Chondestes grammacus strigatus, 119 Chordeiles acutipennis texensis, 184 virginianus hesperis, 92, 203 Cinclus mexicanus unicolor, 203 Circus hudsonius, 22, 99 Clarke, F. C., preliminary report upon the disease occurring among the ducks of the southern San Joaquin Valley dur- ing the fall of 1913, 214 Clay, C. I., artificial hatching of a Cassin auklet, 93; a winter home of the Anna hummingbird, 184 Coccothraustes vespertinus montanus, 84 Colaptes auratus luteus, 120 cafer collaris, 91, 119, 182, 203 Columba fasciata, 26, 41, 94, 129, 151, 227 Colymbus nigricollis californicus, 20, 41, 119 Cooke, W. W., the wild turkeys of Colorado, 104 Cooper Ornithological Club, directory of members of the, 160; minutes of meet- ings, 51, 97, 133, 160, 189, 236; report cr business manager o the, 95 Coot, 21, 119, 154, 156, 218, 220 Cormorant, Baird, 21, 87, 90 Brandt, 20, 86, 88, 90, 156, 208, 209, 210 Farallon, 20, 90, 116, 120, 156, 207, 208, 209, 217, 228 Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos, 182 corax sinuatus, 23, 91 Coyote, Valley, 119 Crane, Sandhill, 218 Creeper, Sierra, 81, 85, 203 Crossbill, Sierra, 203 Curlew, Hudsonfan, 22, 155, 156 Long-billed, 116, 143, 148 Cyanocitta stelleri frontalis, 84, 203 Cyanolaemus clemenciae, 41 Cyrtonyx montezumae mearnsi, 227 Dafila acuta, 217 Daggett, F. S., another instance of cannibalism in the spotted owl, 40 Darter, 182 Dawson, W. L., a glimpse of surf-birds, 5; an unfortunate dove, 42; the nesting of the prairie falcon in San Luis Obispo County, 55; Allan Brooks--an appre- ciation, 69; the all-day test at Santa Barbara, 153; Scott oriole (Icterus parisorum) at Santa Barbara, 158; a mnemonic device for color workers 'based on a consideration of Ridgway's "color standards and nomenclature," 211; a practical system of color desig- nation, a partial critique of Ridgway's "color standards and nomenclature," 212; identification by camera, 204; re- view of The Auk for July, 1913, 234; review of Bird-Lore for September October, 1913, 234. Dendragapus obscurus sierrae, 203 Dendrocygna bicolor, 21, 118 Dendroica aestiva brewsteri, 84, 202, 203 auduboni, 24, 85, 113, 203 coronata, 131 coronata hooveri, 131 nigrescens, 111 occidentalis, 188 Diomedea immutabilis, 158 Dipper, American, 203 Directory of members of the Cooper Orni- thological Club, 160 Dixon, J., communication from, collecting in Alaska, 159 Dove, Mourning, 42, 94, 183 Western Mourning, 22, 91, 156 Dowitcher, Long-billed, 75, 157, 205 Dryobates nuttalli, 119 pubescerts medianus, 120 pubesc'ens turati, 119 villosus hyloscopus, 119, 203 villosus villosus, 120 Duck, Fulvous Tree, 21, 118, 120 Lesser Scaup, 21 Ruddy, 21, 118, 120, 154, 156 Dunlin, 139, 146, 194, 195 Eagle, Bald, 22, 86, 91 Golden, 119, 203 Ectopistes migratorius, 26 Editorial Notes and News, 44, 95, 130, 159, 185, 230 Egret, 118, 129 Snowy, 155, 156 Elanus leucurus, 184 Empidonax difficilis difficilis, 23, 91 griseus, 110, 229 trailli trailli, 83, 119, 202 wrighti, 203 Erismatura jamaicensis, 21, 118 Euphagus cyanocephalus, 183