238 Vol. XV
INDEX TO Accipiter atricapillus striatulus, 203 velox, 229 Actitis macularius, 22, 115, 139, 148, 203 Aechmophorus occidentalis, 20, 116 Aegialitis nivosa, 22, 117, 147, 150 Aeronautes melanoleucus, 23 Agelaius phoeniceus californicus, 116, 228 phoeniceus neutralis, 23, 111, 113, 116 phoeniceus sonoriensis, 113 tricolor, 116 Aimophila ruficeps ruficeps, 23, 188 ruficeps scotti, 227 Albatross, Laysan, 158 Aluco pratincola, 22, 210 Amphispiza belli, 23 bilineata deserticola, 23, 111, 229 Anas platyrhynchos, 176 Anhinga ffnhinga, 182 Anthus rubescens, 24 Aphelocoma insularis, 91 . sieberi arizonae, 227 Aphriza virgata, 5, 22 Aquila chrysaetos, 119, 203 Archibuteo ferrugineus, 92 Archilochus alexandri, 43, 118 Ardea herodias herodias, 21, 50, 91, 118, 210., herodias hyperonca, 50 herodias oligista, 50 Arenaria interpres morinella, 22, 91 melanocephala, 22 Arremonops rufivirgatus, 183 Asio flammeus, 121 wilsonianus, 17, 182 Astragalinus psaltria hesperophilus, 23 Astur atricapillus striatulus, 129 Asvndesmus lewisi, 119 Auklet, Cassin, 20, 86, 88, 89, 93 Avocet, 16, 117, 141, 142, 218 Bailey, B., some winter notes from the Bitter Root Valley, Montana, 94; 'some 1913 spring notes from the Bitter Root Val- ley, Montana, 184 Bailey, H. H., review of his "the birds of Virginia," 233 Bailey, V., review of his 'life zones and crop zones of New Mexico," 232 Baldpate, 21, 184 Beal, F. E. L., review of his "food of our more important flycatchers," 46 Beck, R. H., Communication--"Collecting in Peru," 187 Bigglestone, H. C., review of his "a study of the nesting behavior of the .Yellow Warbler (Dendroica aestiva aestiva)," 231 'VOLUIIE x'v Bittern, 157 Least, 154, 156 Blackbird, Bicolored, 50, 228 Brewer, 121, 157 Red-winged, 94, 113 Tri-colored, 116, 157 Yellow-headed, 113, 157 Bluebird, Eastern, 184 Mountain, 85, 199, 203 Western, 119, 156 Bombycilla cedrorum, 129, 188 Bowles, J. H., white-throated sparrow in western Washington, 41 Brachyramphus hypoleucus, 20, 89, 208 Brant, Black, 21 Branta nigricans, 21 Brooks, .Allan, unusual records for California, 182 Brown, H., obituary notice of, 186; photo of, 186 Bryant, H. C., review of Beal"s "food of our
more important flycatchers," 46; re.
view of Hammond's "an investigation concerning the food of certain birds," 48; review of his "birds in relation a grasshopper outbreak in California," 49; the results of some miscellaneou, stomach examinations, 92; review of McAtee's "index to papers relating to the food of birds in the publications of the United States Department of Agri- culture, 1885-1911," 132; review of Henderson's "the practical value of birds," 159; review of "fifty common . birds of farm and orchard," 189; review of H.' C. Bigglestone's "a study of the nesting behavior of the yellow warbler (Dendroica ae.tiva aestiva)," 231 Bubo virginianus arcticus, 41 virginianus pacificus, 92 Bunting, Lazuli, 23, 118, 157 Snow, 226 Bush-tit, California, 92 Coast, 156 Buteo borealis calurus, 201, 203 Butorides virescens anthonyi, 118 o Calamospiza melanocorys, 183 Callipepla squamata, 227 squamata castanogastris, 182 Calypte anna, 23, 129, 156, 184 costae, 23 Canis ochropus, 119 Caracara, Guadalupe, 228, 229 Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis, 121 Carpodacus cassini, 84, 203 mexicanus clementis, 23, 91 mexicanus frontali's, 23, 119, 184, 2130